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I opened the door and was appalled by the view in front of me, I did not expect that the apartment of a boy would be this clean. [Yes, a boy. Apparently, I am going to share an apartment with a stranger, (who is a boy) since it was the only apartment available that I could afford in an unknown but famous city, which is New York. New York, the city where I'll be pursuing my dreams.] I entered and closed the door. The apartment was not that bad to be honest. It will be just fine for me. I kept my luggage in the room which I assumed was mine, since it was empty and got lost in my thoughts while sitting on the couch when suddenly the door opened, and a boy came in who I guess is going to be my roommate. He had dark brown hair, wore spectacles and was in sweatpants and a T-shirt with something that looked like a grocery bag in his hand. He stood at the door and eyed me from top to bottom, while I did the same. Before I could say that I was his new roommate, he started to speak. 'Who are you? Are you the new roommate? Are you Indian? I didn't know that my new roommate was going to be an Indian. What is your name? Where in India are you from? Why did you come to-" I interrupted him and said 'Stop asking questions and come inside. I will answer everything.' I said in a calm voice trying not to get irritated and thinking about how I was going to live with this guy for almost 2-3 years, but he had a pretty deep and mature voice. He came inside, locked the door, kept the grocery bag and sat on the couch beside me. 'I am Kiara Singh and yes, I'm Indian. I am going to be your new roommate for the following 2-3 years. I just have a few requests and I would like you to follow them. 1- Talk to me only when you have any work. 2- Do not enter my room.' I spoke to the boy sitting beside me. He nodded to that and started to speak, 'I'm Abhishek Malhotra. I'm majoring in dance and music. What about you?' I sighed and said, 'Even I'm majoring in dance but not music.' 'Wow, where have you applied to?' he asked. 'It's some dance and music academy nearby.' I answered. 'I guess we are going to go to the same place.' he spoke again. 'Okay whatever. I'm tired now I'll go and rest.' I said in an irritated voice and made my way towards my room. 'Alright, good night.' He spoke in a deep and calm voice which almost gave me chills, but I did not reply to him. One thing about me is I have THE worst anger issues, like THE WORST and the reason for that is my parents who both have serious anger problems. But I try to control it with some people, for example my best friend, Shivi. She is the only one I trust now, and she is worth it. She is also coming to New York next month and she already has another place to live which means that we won't be living together but it's alright because I know nothing can change our bond. She is majoring in fashion designing which means that when I become a famous dancer then I won't have to search for a designer for my clothes. I changed my clothes, laid on the bed and started to think about the fight with my mother that I had today. My mother and I don't exactly share the best relationship instead, it is the worst relationship but also not the worst, I just don't have any words to describe our relation. While thinking about that I shifted into my dreamland. Next morning, I woke up due to loud Taylor Swift music which I guess came from the kitchen. After doing my morning routine when I went there, I saw my roommate dancing to Shake It Off by TAYLOR SWIFT blasting in full volume on his speaker in grey sweatpants and a thin black oversized t-shirt, while making breakfast. I went towards him, snapped my fingers and he turned to face me. He turned the music off and started to speak in his deep voice 'Good morning, I see you've already freshened up. I have prepared breakfast for both of us.' 'I did not ask you to prepare breakfast for me and you don't even know what I like.' I spoke. 'I thought you would be tired from all the travelling yesterday, so I just wanted to help.' he replied. 'Thank you, but no need to do this from now on. I can take care of my own meals and most of the time I won't be home. I will come home late and will leave till 8:30 in the morning. Just telling you, so you don't report me as a missing person.' I spoke. 'Alright. Thank you for telling me in advance, but can we exchange numbers? Who knows it might be helpful in the future.' he said again and put his phone in front of me. 'Alright.' I spoke and dialed my number in his phone. I sat on the chair at the dining-table in the kitchen area, while he brought the food. 'Quick, have a bite and tell me how it is?' he said while looking at me with his shining eyes, when I finally noticed that he was not wearing his specs and his eyes were pretty, light brown in color. I did not realize that I was staring at him until he spoke again, 'What's wrong?' I cleared my throat and said 'Nothing'. I had a bite of the pancakes he made, and they were pretty good, at least better than mine. 'They're not bad.' I spoke. He looked at me amusingly, then sat in front of me, started to eat and said 'They're not bad?! Yaar they are so good. How can you just say that THEY'RE NOT BAD?' 'You're overreacting it's not like I said that they're not good. I just said the compliment based on the food and for me they're not bad.' He was overreacting but the pancakes did not just deserve 'THEY'RE NOT BAD', they were too good but obviously I was not going to admit that to him. 'You-' he started to speak but I cut him off by saying 'Shut up and let me eat in peace.' He stopped and started to eat his food while I did the same. After finishing my food, I got up and washed the utensils that I used and went towards my room to change and go outside to look for part-time jobs, because without them I surely can't survive here. After I was done, I came out and made my way out of the apartment but was stopped by him, 'Since, now we'll be living together we have to decide a few things, like divide the chores and text each other if anyone's going to be back late.' he said 'Alright, but not now or else I will be late for the things I've to do. I won't be late today so we can discuss it after I come back.' I spoke and I did not lie when I said that I was going to be late because I had filled out a few forms for part-time jobs in two cafes and a bookstore. 'Okay, take care and text me if you need any kind of help.' He said, and I just hummed and stood still while fiddling with my fingers, he looked at me and noticed that I was fiddling with my fingers and that I was hesitating to speak, so he spoke 'You can say whatever you want, I won't say anything.' 'Could you please make breakfast for me every day? Never mind, forget I said anything.' Before he could say anything I hurriedly left and closed the door behind me. That was embarrassing, I said to myself. I tried to forget about it and went to the café in which I had applied for the part time job. To be honest I hate coffee and I don't even know how to make coffee, so I opened YouTube to watch some coffee making videos. When I reached the café, the manager asked me to make coffee for him and after tasting the coffee, he asked for my name and age and asked me to start working from the next day. Wow that was easy, I said to myself. Since I already got a job in this café then I won't have to go to the other one, I'll just have to go to the bookstore. I entered the bookstore and there were many people inside, I went towards the counter and there was an old man sitting on the desk, whom I guess was the owner. I went towards him and said that I was here to apply for the job. He spoke 'I'm Charles and I'm the owner. You can start working from tomorrow, since I just have one boy working here.' 'Okay, sir.' I said and went out of the shop. It is not that difficult here, I said to myself. I saw the time and it was time for my dance class, so I headed towards the academy. When I entered, I talked to the choreographer and said that I had registered online, so he asked my name and said to perform on any song that I wanted to, so I chose SWALLA because I had prepared on that song. After I finished my performance and bowed down, as everyone started to clap, when I saw Abhishek entering the room. Guess our apartment won't be the only place where we see each other.  

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