Texas, wide open roads

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The next morning, Lily and Daisy woke up in the cozy comfort of their van, ready to continue their journey through Texas. After getting dressed and enjoying a quick breakfast, they hit the road once again, their destination set on Dallas. As they drove, they marveled at the breathtaking landscapes of Texas, passing through small towns and witnessing the city lights even in the daytime.

As they entered Dallas, they made a stop at a gas station to refuel the van and grab some drinks. While Daisy pumped gas, Lily received a call from her parents. Her face lit up with joy as she spoke to them, sharing stories of their trip so far and the incredible adventures they had experienced together. She told them about the museums, amusement parks, and the beautiful animals they had encountered at the zoo.

After nearly an hour on the phone, Lily and her parents said their goodbyes, exchanging words of love and well wishes. Lily and Daisy shared a sweet kiss before they consulted the map to find Daisy's brother's address. They navigated their way to his house, and when they arrived, he was waiting at the door with a warm smile.

Jake welcomed them in, urging them to make themselves at home. Sensing something was on their minds, he fetched them water and sat down to chat. Daisy hesitated for a moment before revealing the truth about their relationship.

jake " So what is happening? "

 The girls look at each other. then daisy says, "Well you know how me and Lily been best friends for years?" 

Jake says, "Well yeah, you two are like everything to each other. so im guessing you guys are dating?" 

Daisy looks pink on the cheek but says "Yes, how did you know? your not mad?" 

Jake replied," Why would I be? She makes you happy and I know you will take care of her. She was already part of the family before I moved. You two are so close, when yall were younger the whole family had a bet that yall would be dating when highschool ended."

With a sense of relief, Daisy and Lily hugged Jake, feeling the warmth of his acceptance and love. They chatted about their plans in Dallas, and he suggested various attractions and activities they could explore.

Following his advice, they visited the zoo, where they marveled at the magnificent animals on display. Lily was especially ecstatic to have the opportunity to pet a stingray, and Daisy couldn't help but capture the moment with her camera to cherish forever.

Next, they visited the amusement park, indulging in thrilling rides that filled their day with laughter and adventure. They also ventured to the aquarium, where they were enchanted by the graceful dolphins, mysterious sharks, and colorful fish that filled the tanks.

Lily's eyes gleamed with joy as she got to pet a stingray, one of her favorite animals. Bears and stingrays always held a special place in her heart, and to be so close to one was a dream come true.

As the day came to an end, they sat down to a satisfying buffet meal, relishing the delicious variety of dishes. They shared stories and laughter, grateful for the time they had spent with Daisy's brother and the memories they had created in Dallas.

With their hearts full of love, acceptance, and joy, Lily and Daisy retired to their hotel room. They take a shower. Lily and Daisy get in and hold each other. Daisy kisses Lily's neck slowly and gently. Daisy's hands slowly move down Lily's wet body around her hips. Then Lily felt Daisy's hands on her puss. lily tilts her head as Daisy rubs her clit softly. lily lets out a soft moan. lily turns around and stops Daisy. 

Lily: It's not fair that you keep doing it to me and you don't get any. 

Daisy: it's okay love, I like doing this for you. 

Lily: let me do it for you tonight, please. 

Daisy: Okay, in the shower or on the bed?

Lily: shower so we don't make the bed wet. 

Daisy: Okay!

lily takes Daisy by the hand and pins her against the wall kissing her. Daisy wasn't expecting that but went along. she kisses back matching Lily's lips. lily teachers her hand down to daisy puss. slowly rubbing and kissing her. She plays with her clit till Daisy is dripping wet.  Daisy juice dripping off Lily's fingers she slides her fingers into her slowly. Daisy moans and her legs tighten around Lily's arm. lily wiggles her fingers as Daisy keeps moaning. she almost falls over as she climaxes then lets go of Lily's arm.  Lily stands up and kisses her deeply.  Daisy almost can't stand up as she's shaking. lily helps her out and to bed. They go to bed cuddled up together. lily watches as Daisy falls asleep in her arms. lily kisses her forehead and soon falls asleep after. 

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