Hcs with felix prt. 2!!

209 4 0

Genre: smut/lemons

°A SOFT DOM like he would always check up on you if you're feeling uncomfortable or you dont wanna continue

°Fav part of u is ur thighs, he prob likes to leave love marks on ur thighs the most.

°Would be gentle or rough and fast if you want, HE CAN DO ANYTHIGN

°fav position would be missionary to see your reactions, finds your reactions cute tho..

°he would NOT choke you or something that could hurt you in some ways.

°Will hold your hand while you scream for your life.

°Will lean in closely just to hear the heavenly sounds you make

°I think he would be a tease, not always though, sometimes he would just tease the hell out of you like overstimulating or edging you....praying for your whole soul😞🤞

°buys/orders you lingerie, but will mess it up if he ordered it, cause one time he ordered you a pair of cat ears??...(idk what else to say) and it got mixed up with a food that was supposed to be seungmin's. When it arrived, lawd our seungmin was traumatized

A/N: This is very embarrassing because I dont even know how to write smut or lemon 😭🙏

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