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[Short silly smut, please accept my apology‼️*whips smut at you and runs*]

[TW: Masturbation, very very slight sadistic references, humanoid entities, idk what else-]

The Narrators POV;

"Stanley.. you have to get out of that damn closet at some point!" The Narrator said with a huff as he glared at the protagonist that was using his bucket as a stool, trying to reach the top shelf. Stanley shook his head 'no' as he pouted, reaching higher before pulling a box and having it tumble on top of himself, causing him to fall, grunt in pain, and giggle??.

The Narrator sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, letting out a quiet sigh.

He had been in the broom closet for multiple hours! And yet he refuses to leave. Not only is Stanley being a problem, he was also holding back the temptations of his desires the whole time.

You see, the Narrator loved Stanley dearly, he could never stay mad at him for long, but he usually brushed off the thought of anything with Stanley witch wasn't platonic... Until he caught himself staring and watching Stanley closely multiple times, to the point where it was almost creepy.

The longer he felt like this, the less he stood against it, but it was nothing really more than simply admiring his creation.

But today felt like he was doing a lot more than just admiring his protagonist for no reason, he almost felt shameful, but it wasn't his fault!

Maybe he was getting sick..?
Or some coding malfunctioned..?

Because every time he looked at Stanley for more than 5 seconds, he felt almost embarrassed with himself before looking elsewhere.

He snapped out of his daze, a light yellow hue on his cheeks as he glared at his protagonist who was sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the floor, resting their head on his fist, his eyes barely staying open as his eyelids get heavier, he just kinda sat there, lazily staring down at the floor.

"Stanley.. we must continue the story.. I dont care how tired you are, we need to keep going!" The Narrator said with a huff, making himself sound mad.

When really, he wanted to to down there, and fuck the shi- *ahem*, cuddle him, and sleep peacefully with him.

But eventually, Stanley got up and yawned, continuing on to the bosses office. Stanley entered the code, got in the elevator, went into the mind control facility, and stood in front of the control panel.

"-For Stanley would disable the controls, once, and for all." I said with my regular monotone voice, as if nothing is bothering me in the slightest way possible.

Stanleys hand hovered over the 'OFF' button, but after thinking about it for a solid thirty seconds, he pushed 'ON'.

The Narrator sighed in disappointment as the big screen went red.

"Oh Stanley.. You didn't just activate the controls did you.?" I said, letting a teasing or even lusty tone slip out as I spoke.

(When your dick has an accent-)

The Narrator enjoyed seeing Stanley powerless, under his control, helpless even! He can admit that he has a little bit of a sadistic side, but it only really shows through on special occasions.

Stanarrator OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now