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Elizabeth Afton looked up at the Circus Baby’s Pizza World building, Elizabeth couldn’t be more excited to be here. Elizabeth’s father, William Afton, a pale skinny man with brown dark brown hair, held her hand as they entered the restaurant. Elizabeth looked around the busy restaurant, seeing children playing and eating pizza. The restaurant smelled like birthday cake. As she continued to look around, she saw four doors with the names of the animatronics that her father had made. Funtime Foxy’s room was on the far right, Funtime Freddy’s room was right next to Foxy’s, Ballora’s room was on the far left, and the door that led to the animatronic she wanted to see the most Circus Baby was straight ahead. Elizabeth looked up at her Father “Daddy can I go see Circus Baby?” William looked down at her with a sad look on his face. “No, Elizabeth” Elizabeth was shocked. “But Didn’t you make her just for me!?” “I did, but you can’t see her, yet she’s not ready.” Elizabeth looked away from her father and at Circus Baby’s door, seeing a couple of kids walking in. “But the other children are seeing her, why won’t you let me go?” “Those children are there to see if she will work properly, but I promise Elizabeth when she is ready I’ll take you to see her.” Elizabeth frowned, but she obeyed her father as she left to go play with the other children.


“William!” William turned around seeing his friend Henry Emily walk into the building. “Hello, Henry.” The two shake hands. “So, this is the sister location you were talking about.” “Yes, with Freddy’s getting closed down, we need a way to make some money.” “Yeah, so where’s Mike?” “He stayed home with Eleanor,” William said. “He still dealing with what happened to Evan.” William looked away from Henry trying to hide his sadness. “I am still so sorry for what happened. I don’t know what I would do if I lost Charlie.” “You're fine, Henry, don’t worry about it.”


Elizabeth took notice of her father talking to Mr. Emily. “Daddy isn’t watching, I can go see Circus Baby.” She sprinted to Circus Baby’s door, and she ran in as two children ran out, and standing on a little stage behind a few tables was Circus Baby herself. Elizebeth could barely contain her excitement as she made her way to the Animatronic, which looked nearly identical to her. “Hello, Circus Baby.” Circus Baby looked down at Elizabeth with a smile on her face. “Circus Baby, please don’t tell Daddy that I’m here.” Elizabeth said, “I don’t know why he won’t let me come see you. You're wonderful.” Circus Baby remained silent as a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a cone came from her stomach. “I didn’t know you could make ice cream!” “I can do more than that, come a little closer, and I can show you.” Elizabeth obeyed as she made her way onto the stage and right in front of Circus Baby. “Go on, you can have it.” Elizabeth looked at the Ice cream in front of her and reached her hand out toward it when she had her hands around the cone Circus Baby’s blue eyes blackened and Circus Baby’s stomach opened and a sharp claw shot out and grabbed Elizabeth by the head and Forcefully pulled Elizabeth inside of her as Elizabeth let out a bloody scream that was quickly silenced.

FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S: SISTER LOCATIONWhere stories live. Discover now