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we're friends now. not simple acquaintances anymore, but actual friends.

we go to cafes after classes together, and although it's not just the two of us, i'm still glad i'm with you.

that boy who didn't seem to like me in the beginning of the year ? he's gone now, kicked out of your friend group.

and weirdly, you start flirting with me again.

we hang out together so much. you even hugged me and when we sit next to each other either our elbows or our knees are always touching. but when one of your friends is as close as me, you shoo them away, saying you don't like physical contact.

what a liar you are.

but this time, i don't mind the lies

you even begged me to stay hanging out with you when i had to leave

you literally bailed on your friends to talk to me

i feel like were finally getting somewhere

what a joke.

i miss the time when i actually meant something to you.

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