Story Plot

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You had been looking forward to this party for weeks. It was a glamorous event hosted by a famous magazine, and you had received an exclusive invitation from your date, a handsome and successful model agent who had promised to introduce you to some big names in the industry.

You had spent hours preparing for this night. You had bought a stunning red dress that hugged your curves, matching heels that made your legs look longer, and accessories that added some sparkle to your outfit. You had even booked a professional makeup artist who had transformed your face into a flawless masterpiece. You were ready to shine and impress everyone with your beauty and charm.

But he never showed up.

He didn't even bother to call or text you. He just left you hanging, alone and humiliated, in a crowd of strangers.

You felt like crying, but you didn't want to ruin your makeup. You decided to make the best of it and mingle with the other guests, hoping to find someone interesting to talk to. But it was harder than you thought.

The party was full of snobs and phonies who only cared about themselves and their status.

You scanned the room, looking for a friendly face, but all you saw were bored expressions, fake smiles and shallow conversations. You felt out of place and unwanted.

You were about to leave when you noticed him.

He was standing near the buffet table, holding a camera in his hands. He was tall and muscular, with dark skin and braided hair. He wore a black leather jacket, jeans and sneakers.

He looked like one of the photographers hired for the event, but he had a different vibe. He seemed relaxed and confident, not stressed or anxious like the others. He was smiling and laughing with a group of people, making them feel comfortable and happy. He had a charisma that drew you in.

You wanted to know more about him. You walked towards him, hoping he would notice you. As you got closer, you saw his eyes. They were brown and warm, with a hint of mischief. They met yours and held them for a moment. He smiled at you, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. He excused himself from his group and approached you.

"Hi," he said, extending his hand. "I'm Miles. Miles Morales." He shook your hand gently, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. "And you are?" he asked, looking at you with curiosity and admiration.

Authors note: this was originally supposed to be used for character AI chat bot, but my friend forced me to make a story for it and to continue it because she hated the cliffhanger. I'm most likely not, but you never know;)

Extra note: If you couldn't tell this is a reader x miles because I did want to be a ship story because I don't ship any with 42 miles.

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