chapter 1

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You told him your name and he repeated it, as if he wanted to memorize it. He nodded and said he was a photographer, working for various magazines and websites. He said he loved his job, because it allowed him to travel and meet new people. He said he was always looking for new stories and perspectives to capture with his lens.

"Like what?" you asked, curious.

"Well, for example, last month I went to Brazil and I took some photos of the Amazon rainforest. It was amazing, the diversity of life there, the colors, the sounds, the smells. I felt like I was in another world."

"Wow, that sounds incredible. Can I see some of the photos?"

"Sure, I have them on my phone. Here, take a look." He handed you his phone and you scrolled through the photos. You saw green trees, blue rivers, red flowers, yellow birds, purple butterflies. You saw his passion and talent in every image.

"These are beautiful," you said, impressed.

He smiled and took his phone back. He asked you if he could take some photos of you, saying you had a beautiful face and a captivating smile. You hesitated, feeling shy and flattered, but he assured you it was just for fun and he wouldn't publish them without your permission. He said he wanted to show you how he saw you, through his eyes.

"How do you see me?" you asked, intrigued.

"You'll see," he said, winked. He took out his camera and started snapping pictures of you, from different angles and distances. He gave you some directions, telling you to look at him, look away, smile, laugh, pose. He made you feel comfortable and relaxed, as if you were old friends. He complimented you on your dress, your hair, your eyes. He made you laugh with his jokes and witty comments. He made you feel special and appreciated.

He showed you some of the photos he had taken of you, and you were amazed by how good they looked. He had captured your essence, your personality, your emotions. You looked radiant and confident, happy and beautiful.

"These are amazing," you said, grateful.

"Thank you."

He smiled and put his camera away. He asked you if you wanted to see more of his work, and you said yes. He took out his phone again and showed you some of the photos he had taken during his travels around the world. You saw stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, exotic animals, fascinating people.

He smiled and looked into your eyes. You felt a connection with him, a bond that went beyond words.

You lost track of time as you talked with him, forgetting about the party and your date who had stood you up. You didn't care about anyone else in the room, only him. You felt a spark between you, a chemistry that was undeniable. You wondered if he felt it too, if he liked you as much as you liked him.

He looked at his watch

"Looks like it's getting late want to leave this party with me, there's another party nearby that was more fun and less pretentious than this one. I know some people there who would love to meet you."

"What kind of party is it?" you asked, curious.

"It's a friend's birthday party. It's at his apartment, not far from here. It's more casual and relaxed than this one. There's music, drinks, food, games, dancing. You know, fun stuff."

"Who's your friend?"

"His name is Peter. Peter Parker. He's a journalist for the Daily Bugle. He's a great guy, very smart and funny. You'll like him."

"And who else is going?"

"Oh, some other friends of mine. Gwen, MJ, Harry, Ned, Liz. They're all cool people, very friendly and welcoming. They'll make you feel at home."

"And why do you want me to go with you?"

He smiled and looked into your eyes again. He said:

"Because you're different from the other people here. You're real, you're genuine, you're interesting. You have a beautiful soul, and I want to get to know it better."

You felt your heart skip a beat. You felt a surge of adrenaline and curiosity. You wanted to go with him, to see where this night would take you. You wanted to explore this new feeling that he had awakened in you. You nodded and said yes.

He smiled and took your hand, leading you out of the party. He hailed a cab and opened the door for you. He got in beside you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. He said:

"You won't regret this."

You smiled and leaned on him, feeling his warmth and his heartbeat. You said:

"I hope not."

He chuckled and squeezed your hand, looking into your eyes with affection and excitement.

You felt happy and alive, ready for anything.

You felt like this was the beginning of something amazing.

Author's note: not very good at making dialog, but I tried at least. If the story seems a bit rushed because my friend is rushing me and I don't want to make this story longer the 7 or 9 chapters. I can try to slow the thing going on with them make it more realistic, but love at first sight exist

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