chapter 2

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The cab ride was short and pleasant. You and Miles chatted about random things, getting to know each other better. You learned that he was 25 years old, born and raised in Brooklyn, and had a passion for music and art. He learned that you were 23 years old, originally from Chicago (or wherever you were born and raised), and had a love for books, movies and dreamed of becoming a model. You found out that you had some things in common, like your favorite bands, your favorite foods, your favorite superheroes. But also had some differences, like your opinions on politics, your hobbies, your dreams. But you didn't mind the differences, you found them interesting and refreshing. You liked that he challenged you, made you think, and that he listened and respected you.

You arrived at the apartment building where the party was. Miles paid the cab driver and helped you out of the car. He held your hand as he led you to the entrance. As he pressed the buzzer for Peter's apartment and waited for a response.

"Hey, Miles, is that you?" a voice answered from the intercom.

"Hey, Pete, it's me. Can you let us in?"

"Us? Who's us?"

"I'll tell you when we get there. Just open the door, man."

"Fine, fine. Come on up."

The door buzzed and Miles opened it. He pulled you inside and smiled.

"Come on, let's go meet my friends."

He pressed the button for the fifth floor. The elevator arrived as you two got in.

"You're going to love them, I promise."

"I hope so."

"You will. They're awesome."

The elevator reached the fifth floor and the doors opened. You followed Miles to the end of the hall, where a door with a sign that said "Happy Birthday Peter!" It was decorated with balloons and streamers. Miles knocked on the door and waited.

The door opened and a young man with brown hair and glasses greeted you. He wore a blue shirt with a spider logo on it, jeans and sneakers. He had a friendly smile and a cheerful expression.

"Hey, Miles! You made it!" he said, hugging Miles.

"Hey, Pete! Happy birthday!" Miles said, hugging him back.

"Thanks, man! Come on in!"

He let go of Miles and looked at you. He smiled and extended his hand.

"Hi, I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

You shook his hand and smiled back.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N).

"It's nice to meet you, (Y/N). I've seen you around the apartment building. Are you Miles' girlfriend?"

You blushed and looked at Miles. He blushed too and shook his head.

"No, no, we're not...we just met tonight."

"Oh, I see. Well, welcome to the party anyway."

He stepped aside and invited you in. You entered the apartment and saw that it was spacious and cozy, with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. The living room was filled with people, mostly young adults in their twenties. They were talking, laughing, drinking, eating, playing games or dancing to the music that was playing from a stereo system. They all looked happy and relaxed.

Peter introduced you to his friends: Gwen Stacy, a blonde girl with glasses who was studying biology at Empire State University; Mary Jane Watson, a redhead girl with green eyes who was an aspiring actress; Harry Osborn, a brown-haired boy with blue eyes who was the son of a wealthy businessman; Ned Leeds, a dark-haired boy with glasses who was Peter's best friend and roommate; and Liz Allan, a black-haired girl with brown eyes who was Harry's girlfriend. They all greeted you warmly and made you feel welcome. They told you stories about themselves and made you laugh.

You liked them. You liked them a lot. They were cool people, very friendly and welcoming. They made you feel at home. Even though you were a bit over dressed.

Miles stayed by your side, wrapping his arm around your waist. He introduced you to his other friends, who were also photographers, journalists or artists. He showed you some of his photos that he had taken at the party, saying they were for his "portfolio." Until his favorite song started playing.

"Hey, want to dance, I love this song."

"Sure, I would love to."

He grabs your hand, as he leads you to the dance floor.

You obviously liked him. He was a great guy, very smart and funny. He made you feel comfortable, relaxed, happy and alive. A feeling you haven't gotten in a long time.

As you danced with him, laughed and talking. You felt a spark between you, a chemistry that was undeniable.

You looked into his eyes and saw sincerity and excitement. A feeling of adrenaline and curiosity. You wanted to kiss him, to see where this night would take you. You wanted to explore this new feeling that he had awakened in you. You leaned closer to him, closing your eyes.

But before your lips could touch, you heard a loud noise. It sounded like an explosion. You opened your eyes and saw smoke and fire coming from the window. People screams and panicked as the sound of sirens and gunfire got louder.

"What was that?" you asked, scared and panicked

"I don't know," Miles replied

He grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the window. He looked around and saw Peter, who had a shocked and guilty expression on his face.

"Peter, what's going on?" Miles asked.

Peter looked at Miles

"I'm sorry, Miles. I'm so sorry."

He ran to his bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

Miles looked confused and angry.

"Peter! Peter, open the door! What did you do?"

He ran after Peter and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Peter! Peter, answer me!"

He banged on the door, but there was no response.

You followed Miles and tried to help him, but it was useless. The door wouldn't budge.

You looked at the other guests, who were screaming, scared and confused. Some of them were trying to call 911, but their phones were not working. Others were trying to get out of the apartment, but the elevator was not working either.
Every was trapped in a building that was on fire

Authors note: I hate writing (y/n) it gives me 2020 flashbacks, so I try not to have to put there name a lot. Btw cliffhangers are fun to do, keeps people interested.
My friend has been rushing me since last night to finish this, so sorry if it seems rushed.

Extra information: This Peter is based of Toby with his looks but has the personality of Andrew. I made the characters look like there comics or as the TV shows a watched as a kid. This world has no Spider-Man sadly but Peter loves spiders.

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