A Nightmare has come

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In a Universe which was exactly like the original one the evil and terrifying Nightmare saw a chance to made many troubles.

Papyrus was Sade for his brother Sans because he seemed really upset after the human has come but couldn't see why so he decided to go and ask him.

-Hey Sans! Said Papyrus with his bright and innocent smile.

-What's the matter, did something happened between you and the human? Asked Papyrus.

-What..of course not hehe. Said Sans which was clearly lying.

-Stop lying to me Sans, I know there's something up between you and the human and I wanna know what it is! Answered his brother.

-Okay fine. Sighed Sans before telling Papyrus about all the resets which also made Papyrus scared.

-But the human wouldn't kill us this time, right? Said Papyrus trampling with a scared voice.

-Right? he added.

-So much Fear, it's so great. Giggled a deep and terrifying voice behind them.

-Who's that, show yourself! Screamed Sans With anger and fear.

-Who I am *giggle* I am you most horrible fear the bad voice in your head. Answered the voice, at the same time the sky started turning red and every monsters start to feel scared.

-S..stop that right now! Shouted Sans at the scary voice. Not long after a black puddle which was made in something similar to tar but by looking at it Sans knew it was not a good or a normal thing.

Papyrus tried to touch it and start screaming: It grabbed my arm, please help Sans!

Sans jumped above Papyrus and throwed a bone at the black thing to make it release his little brother.

-It worked thanks bro! Cried Papyrus after being released by the thing.

-Oh you wanna play that kind of game, okay let's play then! Said the voice to sans before a giant and black smoke came out of the puddle and Surrounded Sans.

Papyrus tried to jump in it to save his brother but it was too late and he couldn't even managed to come in.

Sans open his eyes in a dark place that he didn't even knew and said: I know it's you so come on show yourself to me and fight!

-Fight you, why when I can destroy all the good into you. After saying that sans started to saw a person with the same colour as the buddle came out of the floor.

-W..who are you? Said Sans starting to get really scared before seeing the person made come out of his back two giants Tentacles made of the same thing as him.

-What scared? Said this person that Sans didn't even knew the name.

-Who are you! Shouted Sans to this unknown person.

-I am Nightmare and I'm here for you. Said the guy before Sans used one of his Gaster blaster at him.

-Damn you little rat I should have destroyed you! Screamed Nightmare at Sans before attacking him.

Sans tried to defend himself the best he could but it didn't lasted long.

Nightmare successfully catch Sans with its tentacles and throw him to the other end of the area.

Sans Hit the ground so hard that it cracked his hand and made him screamed really loudly before passing out.

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