A dream come true

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Nightmare started coming closer and closer to Sans which was passed out and wasn't able to wake up and even if he could, he wouldn't have the strength and energy to keep fighting.

-Finally, you know your so useless and worthless you're not even able to protect your pathetic Univers, how lame. mocked Nightmare seeing Sans unconscious on the floor.

Nightmare was about to Eliminate Sans when suddenly an unknown skeleton similar to Sans appeared and shot an arrow at Nightmare.

-Stupid rat, when would I'll finally get rid of you! growled Nightmare to the yellow Sans.

-Go away Nightmare nobody wants you here and you know I have the strength needed to beat you.

Nightmare had an angry look on the face, he said: I hate you Dream. Before leaving the Universe.

Dream explained to every monsters of Suntale who he was and what appended and stay with Sans until he wakes up.

-Who are you, where is this disgusting octopus skeleton? Said Sans when he woke up and saw Dream.

-I am Dream, guardian of the positive feelings and I came here to stop Nightmare from corrupting your Universe. Said Dream to Sans.

Dream told Sans about his past, the accident with Nightmare, his Statutory for five hundred years and the stars sans with the job of protector of the Multiverse

Sans was amazed about Dream story and felt bad about the lost of his brother remembering all the resets and genocide routes and decided to let Dream stay at his house for a moment.

Some days later Dream saw that the Universe he was in was actually in a genocide route and decided to help Sans stop the human and prevent him from reset.

Some days later..
-Human, Sans told me everything so please answer me..you won't make another genocide, right? Said Papyrus to the human before being attached by him.

Papyrus was about to be killed by the human when Dream came and stop his knife with his scepter.

Dream said to the human: You don't need to do that, please take my hand and everyone will be safe.

The human have seen something in Dream eyes and decided to stop and did the best decision for everyone by letting Hazgor taking his soul.

Dream felt sad for the human but knew it was best for everyone, San thanked Dream for saving his Universe from another genocide.

-Oh it's r nothing, really. Responded Dream to Sans.

-Yes it is, you are the best person I ever met. Said Sans in response.

After that Dream decided to stay a little longer, especially to be with his new friend and said: If the star sans need me they will come and tell me why.

Sans was happy to hear that,
he wanted to know more about his new friend and staying with Dream made him feel safe because of the trauma Nightmare caused to him.

Dream declared to Suntale that he will stay for a little while, which made everyone happy.

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