Sans sunny dream

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Sans and Dream where always together, everywhere, talking all the time.

-Hey Sans, can I ask you something? Demanded Dream to his friend.

-Yes of course, what is it? Responded Sans.

-Can we be best friends, I think you would be the best bff ever! Said Dream.

-Yes why would I said no to the best being of the Multiverse? Responded Sans to his friend.

Dream hearing what Sans thought of him jump to make him a big hug and the both of them laughed together.

-Ha Dream I want to stay with you forever! Said Sans when looking at him.

-Me too! responded Dream smiling to his best friend.

Some days passed the friendship of Dream and Sans never stopped growing more and more.

-Dream if only you could stay, when you will go, would come back? Demanded Sans.

-I would! Said Dream in response.

The two of them after saying that goes to a waterfall, they said it was the most beautiful of the underground.

Dream looked at te water falling and felt good and relaxed, Sans couldn't stop looking at Dream feeling safe only by looking at him.

Dream felt sleepy and fell asleep on Sans les knees which made him feel very nice, it was like at that moment Dream positivity came out of him.

At the same moment Sans heard Dream voice behind him and saw light coming from where the voice was.

He turned around and saw a yellow lighting sphere, and the sphere explained to him it was the spirit of Dream.

Sans was amazed of the beauty of Dream spirit, he felt even better and safer by seeing the spirit of his friend.

They talked all night and when day has come Dream returned in his body, that day they did many things like eating ice cream, watching movies, go watch the waterfalls.

Days passed and the relationship of Dream and Sans grew stronger each day, and one day Dream wasn't able to find is friend at the waterfalls so he looked everywhere in the underground and when he thought he looked everywhere he remembered the judgement hall so he ran to the hall.

When he arrived he saw a golden statue of him in the center of the room which was colored in yellow and the windows had a Pattern of him on them.

Dream was so happy that he cried when he found out Sans was the one to made this for him, without thinking he jumped on his friend to give him a big hug and then Sans said something which Dream wasn't expecting him to say.

-Dream do you wanna be my boyfriend? Said Sans to Dream will looking at him.

Dream was shocked because he didn't knew what to say so he started To stutter.

-Dream is everything alright? Asked Sans to his friend only to hear him said: Yes of course I would love to date you and be your boyfriend!

After hearing that Sans cried of joy and kissed Dream with all his heart.

After that, life was even better, each days where lovely for the both of them and Dream happiness grew so much that it made an positive aura in all the underground.

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