Chapter 2 - In the Dark

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Chapter includes:
-Kaboom explosion!! 



In her containment cell, hidden in the shadows, The Anomaly stared at her creators from the other side of the window.

Pathetic creatures. As in-control as they tried to appear, she could sense their fear and uncertainty radiating off of them in waves.

They masqueraded as flawless, fearless beings, unaware of how much she knew of them. She knew that really, deep down, they were nothing but small, terrified creatures with too much control.

The two of them spoke as if she wasn't able to hear them -- perhaps they had just convinced themselves she couldn't. 

"Another test?"

"Mmgh.. I'm not sure. The tests haven't given us much."

Oh, how she hated their tests. The feeling of cold, metallic claws restraining her, the feeling of needles being jabbed into her flesh.. It was horrible. 

"Maybe we're.. doing it wrong?"

The botanic quietly stalked around her cell as they spoke. Under the cover of darkness, she was undetectable to the weak eyes of her creators. 

As she lurked closer, she knew her creators -- most notably Golfball -- were aware of her advancing presence. She sensed Golfball's discomfort, as she occasionally glanced at the window, in search of The Anomaly.

She imagined lunging at the smaller creature, but knew the reinforced glass of the viewing window would block her way. 

If it weren't for the containment cell and their sedatives, she would've killed them long ago.

"Golfball? Tennis Ball? Hello?" An unfamiliar voice sounded from somewhere e out of sight. The globule scrambled to turn in the direction of the noise, startled and irritated. "Rrgh!"

Curious, The Anomaly left the cover of the shadows and stood directly in front of the viewing window. Golfball was too distracted to notice her, but Tennis Ball saw her and flinched.

The smaller globule stormed off in the direction of the sound, while the larger nervously glanced back at the window before following.

The two of them eventually left her sight, but the leaf could still hear them -- partially because Golfball wouldn't stop yelling.

"WHAT do you want?" Her voice screeched.

"The challenge started!" The unfamiliar voice shouted back, matching her irritation. "Didn't you hear?"

Golfball choked and fell quiet. "I-.."

"Whatevs." Another unfamiliar voice muttered. "Can you just help us, like, win?" 

It was Tennis Ball who replied. "If you'd tell us what the challenge is.."

Yet another voice pitched in, and The Anomaly began to wonder just how many other creatures had entered. "We need Dream Island!"

"Well, I don't have it! Go hunt Leafy down and ask her!" Golfball's voice returned, just as hostile as before.

"He means we need you to make it."

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO-" She paused, as if she'd just gotten an idea. "Actually.. I think I have something for that. Follow me, and keep up!"

The sound of many, many footsteps echoed through the factory, and The Anomaly leaned closer to the window, trying to hear more as the noise faded away.

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