The car ride

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Toms pov:
I walk in to the shop thinking to myself "wtf have I just done I just met a random girl and told her to wait in my car i mean she was hot but dam"
I feel a buzz in my pocket
It's my phone bills calling me
Phone call :
Bill "yo Tom wtf r u you've been gone for like an half an hour , don't tell me your with another girl"
Tom "I am with a girl but it's not like that I swear im helping her out  I'll tell you when I get home but im getting the stuff now I'll be back in abt 15 mins ja ?"
Bill " ja bye"
Tom " bye"
End of phone call
I went to the check out after I got all the stuff and made my way out the store and surprisingly, my car was still there .
Eve's pov:
I wait in the car for abt 10 mins waiting for Tom I was getting worried at every car that came past was Ryan and his gang coming to kidn@p me again and
Force me to be there slave at some club
I jumped when the car unlocked and Tom opened the driver door
"Hey" Tom said smiling
"Hi i was getting worried what took so long?"i said in response
" oh yh soory my brother was calling me cause I was taking too long"Tom said with a sorry expression
" oh I didn't know you had a brother " I said
"yh he's my twin brother actually but we don't look alike cause we have very different styles it you look hard enough you'll see the differences and similarities" Tom said with a smile while bulking his seat belt and starting the car
"Oh that's so cool"I said back
"You can come stay with me if you want or not I can help you find a hotel" Tom offered
" no no um Ik ur a complete stranger but I have no one and you give me a safe vibe and I'm too scared of being alone so if that's ok with you"I explained with out trying to sound dumb
" I'm glad you said that cause all the hotels round here r sketchy" Tom stated while turning out the gas station
We turn onto the highway going down it I reolised it started raining I watched as the rain drops hit the tinted windows and I heard thunder and the wind howling ,it was cold and I was only wearing a short dress that had loads of holes in and heels
Toms pov :
I look over at her " she's gorgeous" I thought
I notice what she was wearing and it was very little
Her skin was covered in goose bumps and she was shivering
I pull in to a stop at the side of the road and she looks at me
"What's up" she asked with a sort of a worried tone
"Nothing just here take my jacket " I say taking of my oversized jacket handing it over to her
" are you sure I'm fine without " she says
" you've got goose bumps and your shivering like mad just take the dam jacket " I say smiling
" thanks " she wispers
Eve's pov:
He gave me his jacket that was oversized on him but on me god I was buried in fabric.
He carries on driving and I slowly start to fall asleep to the sound of cars and rain and toms breathing .

Heyyyy sorry this one was short but I rlly hope you like it so far this isn't the end obvs but let me know more on what you guys think and if you want to tell me any ideas xx
-author xxxx

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