The morning after

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Toms pov :
10:00 am
I woke rubbing my eyes
slowly sitting up looking around the my bedroom
I turn to look at Eve to see if she was still there
She was her body still wrapped in my duvet I finally got a good look at her I said she was beautiful from the start but I only saw her in the darkness last night .
Her hair was long and dirty blonde and her eye lashes where thick and perfect
She was perfect
I never felt like this seeing a girl in my bed
I never believed in true love I thought it would never happen to me until now
All the other girls I've been with or just slept with was just love for the night but this , this was different the felt real true
" no " I thought to myself while getting up to go to the bathroom
Looking at myself in the eyes (in the mirror )
" do not fall in love Tom , you can't just fall in love with some random girl you just met"
I turn on the tap and splash water on my face to wake me up
" scheiße that is cold " I mumble

Eves pov:
I wake to the closing of a door
no answer I sit up to see he was gone
I hear water running in the bathroom
" he's probably in there " I thought
I got out of bed needing a pee

Toms pov :

" Tom ..? " eve said nocking on the bathroom door
"Ja " I respond
" please can you come out I really need to pee "she whines 
" yeah just give me a moment to dry my face "

Eves pov :
I watch as the knob of the door twists open
I See Tom
His black braids , he's tall , shirtless too and had water dripping down his face
Im blushing I know I am how can I not
"Eve r u ok" Tom questions
"Yh um excuse me I rlly need to pee " I said running past him closing the door behind me.

Toms pov :
I walk back into my bedroom her face still plastered in my mind
Her eye were still puffy  from crying 
I reach my closet grabbing a tank just to throw on so I can go down stairs without out the boys thinking I had slept with her
"Hey Eve ?!" I shout
" yeah " she responds opening the door to the bathroom and coming in to my bedroom
" you wanna meet my brother and my best mates ? "
I asked
" yes ofc will they mind me staying here tho ? "
She looked sort of worried
"No they won't there rlly cool they won't mind at all "
I respond
" let's go down stairs then " I said
" ok " Eve said
Im going down the stairs I know there all down there cause I hear the Tv and them making food
Eves not far behind me coming down the stairs after me

Eves pov :

Im walking down the stairs after Tom
I didn't realise how big this house was
" they must be rich or smt "
I thought to myself
" morning Tom " I hear a voice say as we arrive down stairs
I look at who was talking he was tall and look familiar but he had black hair that was sort of long shoulder length I'd say
He had a sharp jaw line and he had a eye brow piercing
We make eye contact
" bill this is Eve I met her yesterday and she will be staying with us for a while "Tom explained
" Eve meet bill my twin brother "
I turn to look at bill again he has a smile across his face
" hi I'm bill nice to meet you " he said with a big smile
" Eve " I said smilling just as big
" Eve is that short for something ? "Bill asked
" yeah Evangeline " I said in response
" omg I love that name it's so majestic" he excited
" thank you " I said slightly flustered
" Tom have you offered her food " bill said turning to Tom
"Erm no , would you like some food we have loads fruit , you can have toast or egg or something "
Tom said
" a banana would be fine thanks " I said smiling
"Here catch " bill said throwing me a banana
"Oh thanks bill " I Said catching it
" it's ok oh come meet Gustav and george there super nice " bill said excited
"Uh- bill maybe—-"Tom said being then cut off by bill grabbing  my arm and running with me to the living room where I heard two voices shouting
"Nein i want to pick georg !"
"Give me the remote Gustav right now ! "
"I don't want to watch this crap "
"Fick dich ! "
"Boys ! Stop it we have a guest staying with us this is Eve by the way ! And she doesn't wanna hear you fighting over this ! Do you Eve ? "Bill shouted at the boys
"Erm it's fine-"I said awkwardly
" hi I'm Georg sorry abt that" he said walking towards me with his hand out
He was tall but not as tall as bill and Tom
He had long brown hair shoulder length but bills was longer
"Hi I'm Eve " i said shaking his hand
"Hallo I'm Gustav yh sorry abt that too we're not always like this " Gustav said walking next to Georg with his hand out too
"Hi Eve it's fine I rlly don't mind I'm used to it"
I said smiling and laughing sort of
"Oh do you have siblings " bill asked
"No I grew up in adoption centres and there was always some sort of drama or arguments " I said laughing
"Oh I'm sorry " bill said feeling bad
" no no seriously I'm don't care " I said
I noticed Tom walk in but I looked near the door way and noticed music equipment

Sorry I'm gonna end this chapter here but I am going to write a next one soon
I just thought it was getting too long
Also thank you all for reading this and if you have came from my TikTok I'm so grateful I love you all thanks for all the support

-author xxx

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