He confessed

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Eves pov:

I got the outfit on
Tom was right it does look good
My hair was still wet and I remembered what Tom said that bill would let me borrow some things  I walked to bills room
"Hey bill" I said to him walking though his open door
"Hey Eve what's up ?!" Bill said smiling
"Oh is it ok if I borrow your hair dryer and straighteners" I asked
"Yes ofc there just there you can sit in here and do it cause Tom doesn't have a plug socket near his mirror"said bill still smiling
"Thanks bill" I said smiling and sitting down
"Yw but Eve I didn't wanna tell you this but I'm telling you for your own good"
I looked at bill through the mirror with slowly brushing my hair out " yeah what's up"
"Ok Tom is a huge play boy and he only believes in love for one night he truly believes that true love didn't  exist until he met you now Ik that it sound weird but please do break his heart if you don't love him just tell him cause he never has felt like this for any woman ever"bill said
"What?tom likes me ?"i say
"No he doesn't like you he loves you"
" but we only just met I don't know how he can love me " i say confused
" I mean I like him tom actually I always catch myself staring at him and I don't know why" I said again
"Wait what you like him back ?" Bill asked
"I guess I do I feel safe around him I did as soon as I met him I mean I got in his car after knowing him for five minutes"I explained
" so what r u going to do then ?" Asked bill
"I'm gonna take things slow for now cause I just got out of a toxic relationship that's kind of how I met Tom and he saved me from him so i love him for that cause i don't know hat would of happend to me if Tom wasn't there when he was I would probably be dead for all I know but I'm not and it's all because of Tom "
"I'm no one to make decisions for others but the way you two talk abt each other is so strong and passionate I think you two belong together" bill stated
"Wait what has Tom said about me then ?"i asked eager
"Just that your basically the one for him" bill said
"Thank you bill" I said running out the room towards toms
Bills pov:
I'm so good at putting couples together
They Better thank me at the wedding 😒

Toms pov :
I'm sat on my bed and I look up cause my bedroom door just swong open
It was Eve looking me dead in eyes emotionless
It was hard to read her face
"Eve r u ok what's up " I say standing up 
"You like me" she says
"What-who said that"I say blushing and looking down
"You like me bill told me everything" she said
"Look Ik we only just met but I felt something when we met and I have never felt this before all the women I have been with have never made me feel like this but I don't know why you have your just special" I slightly shouted
"Tom.." she said slowly walking up To me lifting my face to look at her  we lock eyes
"Can I - ... can I Kiss you ?"she asked slowly
I didn't even aswer i smashed my lips into her kissing her deeply
She kisses me back I slowly creep my hands down her torso to her waist her arms go to my neck rapping them around
I lick her bottom lip asking entry and she does
My tongue creeps into her mouth as we deepen the kiss
We slowly start to walk back crashing into the wall my arm goes down to her thigh pulling her up she wraps her legs around my waist
My hands go to her ass for support
I feel her hand go through my braids slightly tugging on them
We both slowly pull away gasping for air  we go too kiss again and-
Eves pov:

"Come on love birds the managers here and he not going to wait much longer LETS GOOOOO"
Bill shouts knocking on the door loudly
"we can finish this off later" said lowering me back to my feet smirking
I couldnt help but blush he was so just ahhhh
I run to the door as Tom goes to grab his jacket opening the door to see bill
"Eve you should go fix ur lipstick it's kind of " bill said circling round his lips with a dramatic expression on his face i laugh and run to the toilet to fix it
I hear all the boys go down stairs while I'm in the bathroom
I walk down the stairs into the kitchen
"Ah Liam we would like you to meet Eve" bill said smiling
"Ah hello Eve I've heard great things abt you and that voice of yours I'm Liam the manager of tokio hotel " Liam said putting out his hand
We shake hands
"So Eve I would like to know if you would come round to the studio tomorrow so I could hear you sing this song the boys told me about erm I don't know the name of it tho" Liam said smiling
"Oh yes i would love too it's called shameless I wrote it a couple years ago" I said
"That's amazing so the boys will take you there tomorrow because they need to go up there anyway for a photo shoot"
"Great that's all I wanted to speak to you about Eve but boys I'm not done with you"Liam said
I felt a hand creep to my thigh it was tom ofc and he was squeezing it and drawing circles with his thumbs 
"Actually Eve would you like to take part in a photo shoot aswell I mean if we're going to record a song it needs a cover"Liam said
I felt toms hand creep thurther up my dress till it reached my underwear
I slam my hands on his hand stopping him
"Yeah that would be awesome thank you Liam" I said smiling trying not the look suspicious
"Infact you have an amazing figure I bet you could do modelling if you really wanted to "Liam said excited
"I bet she could" Tom said looking intensely at me
"What was that Tom ?" Liam said confused
"Oh nothing" Tom replied not even looking at him just holding sight of me
"Alrighty ok guys that's all I wanted you for today and Eve thank you so much and I will see you all tomorrow bye" Liam said getting up from the table and showing himself out along with his assistant running behind him

Well toms getting abit cheeky
Right I'm going to stop this chapter here because it's getting long but !tw! The next chapter will be smut so reAd at your own rush I will put it up on the title too

-author xxx

A little touch of heaven - a Tom kaulitz ff Where stories live. Discover now