Hello sister

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Eves pov :
I rubbed my eyes finally coming out of my slumber
I turned to roll and see if bill was still with me
And I fell out the bed landing strait on my face causing bill to wake up
"..fuck me ..." I said sitting back rubbing my head
"Oh shit Eve are you ok ?" Bill said coming over to me holding in his laughter
"Yh I'm fine " I said looking at his face that was bright red
"Bill.." I said glaring at him
Bill started bursting out laughing holding onto his chest and rocking back and forth
"I'm so sorry eve but your just so funny sometimes " bill said while laughing still
I started to laugh too
That's when the door swung open
I jumped back cause it scared the living shit out of me
It was tom...
"Shit sorry Eve i didn't mean to scare you I just heard a big bang and wondered who it was " he said putting his hand out going to help me up
I didn't grab his hand and I completely ignored him
I got up by my self
"Bill tell Tom I'm not talking to him " I said dusting myself off
"Uhm I think he heard you eve " bill said trying not to laugh
"Ok we'll play it like that then " Tom said smirking
I saw him through the corner of my eye
I sat down on bills bed picking my nails
"Ok then bill tell eve that I have something important to tell her " he said to bill sorta grabbing my attention
"Erm eve Tom ..." bill said getting really aukward
"We'll bill tell Tom that I don't give a fuck " I said looking bill dead in the eyes
"Bill tell eve that the police rang " Tom said that made me look at him
"I'm not doing this " bill said running past Tom and out his room
Tom was leaned against bills door frame stairinb at me
" what do you mean the police called ?" I asked him
That's when he walked out
"What the fuck " I whispered underneath my breath
"Tom !"i shouted getting up and running down the hall chasing after him
"Sorry where you talking to me ?" Tom said sarcastically turning around
"Yes now what the hell do you mean the police called" I said shouting
"They called about Ryan " he said smirking and walking down the hall again leaving me standing alone again
" what about Ryan Tom ?!" I shouted at him running to him and pulling his shoulders back

That's when his grabbed my waist pushing me harsh against the wall
Roughly kissing my neck
I was a sucker for him I didn't push him away
All I dreamt about what him touching my body I hadn't felt his touch in so long that I was craving it
I let out a soft moan
I didn't realise how much of a hold this man has over me.
"He's dead" I heard Tom moan in my neck
"What was that " i asked cause it was really muffled
Tom pulled back from my neck
"He's dead " he said smiling
"Who!...Ryan ?" I said pushing Tom away
"Yes baby he's dead gone forever " Tom said
"You what ! Did you kill him ? TOM give me more information " I shouted at him not know what emotions I was feeling
"No he um he killed himself " Tom said
"He's really gone ?!" I said smiling now
"Yes babe he's gone " tom said pulling me in for a hug
"Oh my god " I said into his chest

Time skip

I know celebrating over someone's death is horrible but karma got Ryan like a bitch he deserved to die
I knew he had killed many people before he died himself I witnessed it many times
In the club he was going to force me to work at
The restaurant
It alleys when he kidnapped me
Girls after he slept with them infront of me
He even killed his own brother infront of me too
Me and his brother used to hook up behind his back his brother was the polar opposite of Ryan he was sweet and kind and gentle with his touch but he used to hit me when I pissed him off but that was only sometimes
Tom reminded me of him sometimes
Tom was better than him tho
Didn't hit me
And better in bed 😏

Later that night we told the boys so me and Tom went to the store to get alcohol and some weed to celebrate
We went to a local shop near us to get the drinks

"Ooo I want this tequila Tom " I said pointing at a pink bottle of tequila on the shelve
"Try it baby we're celebrating let's splurge " Tom said grabbing and putting it into the cart

" Evangeline?" I heard my name being said
"Yes ?" I said turning to my side
Omfg it was my sister
"KACY ?! What the fuck r u doing here " I said to my sister as I pulled her in for a hug
" hey well I'm 19 now so I can leave the centre " she said smiling
"Omg I totally forgot I'm so sorry I left " I said shedding a tear
"Why did you leave ?" " you left me with that horrible woman " she said now crying
"Can you remember Ryan well he took me in after I left and he well abused me and shit but he's gone for good now and I met Tom urm kacy meet Tom " I said
Tom put his hand out and kacy and Kacy just stared at him wide eyed
"Tom this is Kacy my non biological sister from the adoption centre we were the closest in age there so we where always together until I got out " I said to Tom
"Nice to meet you Kacy I'm eves boyfriend " Tom said to Kacy
"Kacy your really quite are you ok ?!" I said turning to her
"EVE YOUR DATING TOM FRIKIN KAULITZ ?!" She said screaming and hugging Tom

A little touch of heaven - a Tom kaulitz ff Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang