This, Too, Shall Pass


Hardships may come my way;

Though I will remain firm

And steadfast in the faith,

Holding onto God's Word.


Even when the world attempts

To do me harm,

I shall not mind them;

No, I will not lose heart.


For the storm shall not last;

This, too, shall pass;

I shall keep holding, treading on

Until the day my race is won.


With the Lord God

And His Begotten Son

By my side, I shall not quiver;

Amid the heaviest storms, I remain undeterred.


For the storm shall not last;

This, too, shall pass;

I shall keep holding, treading on

Until the day my race is won.


I shall stand tall

Before my battles;

When God listens to my call,

He helps me that I may not stumble.

And even when the world

Comes to an end,

Even the loudest crack of thunder

Shall not leave me shaken.

Because the Father is by my side,

I shall not bat an eye

At the mere sight of tribulation;

That I may attain my perfection.


This, too, shall pass... 

I shall keep marching on

Until the day I reach God's Kingdom.

Gaiety Amid Darkness (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now