What Keeps Us Going


Although this cycle we call life

Is filled with all kinds of trials,

We can rely on the Most High

To help us push through the darkest nights.


Cold winters, gloomy skies;

Though we keep our eyes on the prize;

Determination to finish this race

Is what keeps us going, along with our faith.


Let us keep holding on 

To the Word of our Lord God;

He is waiting for us in His temple

To cry out to Him and sing praises amidst struggles.


Cold winters, gloomy skies;

Though we keep our eyes on the prize;

Determination to finish this race

Is what keeps us going, along with our faith.


Cold winters,

Gloomy skies,

Eyes on the prize,

Let us finish this race,

Holding onto our faith.

Gaiety Amid Darkness (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now