1. chloe

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'Come you can't be serious him?' I sigh looking at my new bodyguard.
'He's perfect chloe just give him a change' my dad says. 'Ugh fine' I say looking at him.
'Great' my dad smiles.

I walk away to my room, leon is following me I enter my bedroom, leon is still following me.
I sit down on my bed 'look im trying to make this easy it's okay if you don't like me or whatever. I'm just trying to live my life' I say as I look at him with no emotion.
'Okay good' he says, he doesn't look back.
'I do have a few rules'
'Go on'
'i dont want any attchaments to me or any of my family. rember i can make or break your entiry career. dont come into my room without premission' leon doesnt say anything. he seems to understand the things im saying. i lay down on my bed i close my eyes trying to take a bit of a nap.

"no dont leave me not again chris"soft cries are heard. i drop down on the floor as he leaves my room. "fuck fuck"i cry not again. Why did he leave again. He doesn't love me anymore. It's better if i- no chloe

i wake up sweating and crying. 'chloe are you okay?' the man next to me asks, i open my swollen eyes. its leon. 'yeah im fine' i wipe away a tear. my hands are holding my stomach. 'okay ill leave you alone for now' leon leaves the room. i stand up and get into the shower.

'good first impression chloe' i think to myself 'crying infront of your bodyguard who even does that' i sit down on the cold bathroom floor. the exact spot when chris left me. its been a full year and to this day it still haunts me.

'chloe?' a familiar voice enters my room. its my younger sister ashley. 'im coming ash' i love my sister, after everything last year we only grew closer and closer. i enter my bedroom, the smell of fresh lemon cookies fills the room. 'fresh from the chef' she smiles. 'so leon kennedy is your new bodyguard?' she takes a bite of her cookie. 'unforntatly yes he is' i say. am i happy that hes my bodyguard? no. do i have a choice? also no. me and ashley talk for a while before leon enters the room. 'grab some clothes were going to texas' he says, my eyes meets his blue watercolour eyes. 'what?' i say in confusion. 'do i need to repeat myself?'he says.

a while later were sitting in my dads private jet on out way to texas. 'so i got invited by ferrari to watch a formula one race?' i ask as leon explains everything. 'correct 10 points youre the winner' he jokes. i laugh, i like his humour already. we arrive 2 hours later.

'sir there seems to be a problem' the repcionist says. 'what is it' leon says. 'the room you booked is full'she says her eyes arent leaving her screen. 'okay, get me your best suit for the lady then and me get me a normal room' 'but sir that will be 50.000 dollars' she says looking at leon. im just standing here as leon handels the sitioutain. he swipes his card and gets me the keys to my room. 'you really didnt need to mr kennedy' 'shut up and go to your room' he says as our paths split. i enter the elevator.

i get changed into a red short dress, with my black heels, i grab my bag and head to leons room. 'you ready?'i ask. 'yeah im coming' he steps outside wearing a black shirt with black pants, hes wearing a leather jacket ontop of it. you can see the vines on his biceps. its kinda hot, no chloe focus. 'lets go' he walks infront of me, his jeans are a bit tight so you can see his ass perfectly and wow he has an ass i would be jealous. i chuckle at the joke. 'what funny?' he turns around. my face turns red. 'nothing' i quickly say. 'okay lets get moving the taxi is waiting for us'

we arrive at the track around at 1pm we have 2 hours to kill before the race start. we get into the pitbox and sit in a chair, 'so youre into f1 huh?'leon asks. i turn to him 'yeah, iits a childhood sport for me' i say. 'whos your favorite?' 'schumacher' 'cool mine are alonso and räikkönen' leon smiles soflty. god i hate that smile just as much as i like that smile. 'take a picutre it will last longer' he jokes. i didnt realise i was staring at him. my face turns red.

im talking to an engineer when leon creeps up behind me. 'we need to go now and thats an order' he whispers. 'why?' i whisper back. 'your dress is making me crazy' he smirks. 'then handle it for yourself mr kennedy' i say before turning back to the engineer. 'sorry about that hes my bodyguard' i apologise. 'no need to apologise' the engineer smiles 'im maurice'

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