🌦 Seven 🌦

584 35 30

Third person pov

      "I have this chick plush, its really cute and soft and yellow, I can't fall asleep without it."

Jiyeon sighed, resting her face on her hand which was being supported by her elbow, that laid on her desk.

Her Australian guide has been extra clingy lately, not to mention his friends and the incident that took place three days ago.

Let's just say its been quite awkward around being around them now.

"Listen, boy, girl, zebra, whatever you are. I don't care about your little toy," Bitingly, Jiyeon put out in the nicest way she could possible think of.

Her first option was to strangle him with a shoe lace— but that wasn't the best option, considering the amount  of people around.

"Oh? Would you like to know about my other-"


Felix pouted for millisecond, now sinking into his seat, his eyes directly pinned on the teacher who was trying to shut the noisy class up.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

Jiyeon sighed, a satisfied smirk resting on her lips.

"You're smiling, should I be scared?" Felix propped himself up, beaming ear to ear, his puffy hair falling carelessly, some strands sticking to his forehead.

"What does it that to shut you up?" Jiyeon grew very annoyed— and if looks could kill, we would be biding Arrivederci to our sunshine boy.

"A kiss!"


"Flex or whatever is your name, I'll strangle the fuck out of you, until your pretty little face turns pur-"

"I'm getting concerned."

Jiyeon stood frozen, like a deer caught in headlight, her fingers firmly gripping onto Felix's shirt, his back pinned to a locker, and that stupid grin that never disappears— oh, how it pains Jiyeon.

"Or better still kill him, its understandable," With a shrug of his shoulders, Seungmin ignored the scene that was laid in front of him, wearing a blank expression like his friend wasn't getting strangled by an angry female.

"I'll let you go on one condition."

Felix's eyes lit up, his fluffy demeanor resurfacing, clearly all her threats were like jokes to him, if only he knew.

"Anything, m'lady," Bowing like a butler, the blonde articulated, making Jiyeon to visibly cringe at his words.

"First of all don't call me that."

"Okay, m'lady."

Jiyeon sighed. How hard would it be to dispose his petite body? And maybe those of his friends?

"Mr Kim's room number," Jiyeon started walking, Felix trying to catch up with her again.

He immediately start to wiggle his brows, his pouty lips curled into a sly smile.

"Its not what you're thinking, dirty minded unicorn!" Jiyeon whacked his head with her equally tiny hand. "He. . .uh took a thing of mine, I want it back."

"What thing?" Inquired Felix, a bit suspicious of her attitude, scratching his fluffy blonde hair.

"You're supposed to help without questioning," The black haired crossed her arms, faking a pout. "Aren't I your responsibility?"

"That's not how it works," A guy— with visibly receding hairline— butted in. "Lixie, what are you up to?"

Felix flinched, frozen in place, before he comically laughed, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "Um. . .nothing, just walking with my friend." He pulled Jiyeon by her waist, pressing her petite frame against his.

"You know this hairless person?"

"Chan, my name is Chan," trying to compose himself, Chan breathed calmly. His cat Butler friend flames him on a daily basis about his hair, the last thing he needed was another person.

"Well, gotta get to class now, bye Channie," Felix pulled Jiyeon away, his steps very quick, making her stumble a few times— he'll pay for that later, she huffed to herself.

"Are you scared of Hairline? I mean Can?" Jiyeon asked when they walked into the class.

Felix threw his head back, light pants escaping him, his body raising and falling in sync with his ragged breath.

"No, but he would had given us an hour lecture about responsibility and all those boring adult stuffs," Pressed out Felix, horror boldly written in his eyes. "He's a total dad."

Jiyeon tilted her head a bit, before querying. "He's a totally dad-dy?"

Moving on!

- Bang Chan- Total dad(dy) with a receding hairline (sorry, not sorry)- Fluffy cloud

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- Bang Chan
- Total dad(dy) with a receding hairline (sorry, not sorry)
- Fluffy cloud

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Hope this wasn't too messy
Cause I'm sleepy as hecc

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment


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