🌤 Twenty eight 🌤

383 30 33

Third person pov

        "Gosh, who's gonna threaten me now?"

Felix slammed his locker shut, shooting Jeongin a stern gaze, his brows knitting and jaws clenched.

"Hey, those threats belongs to only me!" Like the crazy person he was, Felix turned to the smiling guy behind him, his soft brown eyes carrying anger and a hint of possessiveness.

"Woah, okay chicken boy," Raising his hands in a mocking surrender, the black haired snickered at Felix's annoyed state.

Felix exhaled sharply, he gave Jeongin on last glare before turning on his heels. He didn't care what class he had next, he just wanted at least a little distraction. "Why are you here?"

"To annoy you," was Jeongin's straightforward reply as he trailed behind Felix.

"Innie, I swear-"

"Yay, its Lixie."

"Hi Lix, come sit with me, please?"

"Hey Felix, over here!"

Ugh, English class. A sense of dread took over Felix's mind. This was definitely not the distraction he needed.

Before he could mentally whine, Felix was pulled by a bunch of girls towards the back, where they could happily chat without grabbing the teacher's attention.

This is gonna take awhile.


This is gonna take awhile.

Felix sighed, looking out the window, watching as how the rain dripped down the window, the outdoor cafeteria long forgotten by students who seek shelter away from the cold.

"I never knew you're fascinated by rain droplets," the sound of Chan's voice violently pulled him away from his thoughts. Staring at the older blankly, Felix's expression slowly changed into a small smile.

"I feel like the weather."

"Oh fuck, the irony," Came Minho's breathy laugh, his eyes trained on the pouty Felix and growling chan. "I'm only joking, yeah?"

"Yeah, wouldn't want two kangaroos to punch your eyes black," Changbin budded in, ignoring the glares he got from Minho as his legs swung back and forth.

Felix came here yet again to seek comfort from Chan, but whenever the older did help, Minho always finds a way to ruin it— along with his constant bickering with Changbin.

"I'm more of a koala," somehow gaining his sunshine energy back within seconds, Felix beamed, his eyes pushed into slits and head tilted to the side, strands of tousled blonde hair poking out.

"Lix, no don't join them, mate!"

"Let the boy live, old man," Minho sneered, conceding snickers from Felix and Changbin.

The older furrowed his brows. "Old man?"

"He's so old he didn't even hear you," Changbin shook his head, feigning sympathy for taller male, who only stared at Felix in disbelieve— he just got betrayed by his Aussie bro, how brutal."

"Stop stressing papa Chris out, he's too old for this shit."

"Yongbok, I swear-"


"Yongbok, I swear-"

The blonde ignored his roommate's words, falling face first into his bed, a muffled moan escaping his lips, fingers firmly gripping the duvet.

This action only annoyed Seungmin more, so with angry steps he approached the tired Australian, pulling his out of bed. "You gotta stop moping like a lost puppy."

"You're the puppy, Seungmo!"

"Minho is terrible influence on you," The brunette shook Felix back and forth, trying to shake off the negative energy out of his petite frame. A worried frown creasing his face. "Its been two weeks."

"I guess I need more time?" Felix finally broke free from his grasp. He huffed as his fingers tousled his blonde hair, his gaze casted at the yellow plushy on the bed. "She didn't care about my plushy."

"I don't either."

"Minnie, stop being mean to me, I need support," Felix walked over to the disinterested guy, wrapping his arms around his back, his chin pressed on the crook of Seungmin's neck.

"Yah! Get away from me," Struggling to break free from the hug, Seungmin scrawled, but in futile attempt, cause that chicken's tiny hands somehow held a great force to hold someone down.

Oh boy, poor Seungmin is stuck with a clingy roomie.

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Nobody cares, but I'm craving coffee 😭

Anyways hi, how are you?
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