🌧 Fifteen 🌧

443 31 11

Third person pov

        Mindlessly, Jiyeon stared out the window, miserable sighs escaping her pressed lips once in a while. Felix had picked up these sad antics and quit rambling a while ago, slightly stealing glances of his responsibility.

Scratch that— by now she was well familiar with the school's environment— but the two were still stuck together, Felix being a helpful sunshine and Jiyeon, let's just say she existed.

The bell rang, ending whatever class that was, was it History? Cause Felix could've sworn he heard something about an ancient civilization.

Just as expected, Jiyeon threw her stuffs into her back pack, from pencil, pen and her book which where useless this period, she stood up and walked out of the class.

"Ji, are you okay?" Felix caught up with her, a bit of concern lacing his tone. The female didn't reply— only giving him a bored look— Yeah bored, she'll go with that.

"I'm bored."

The blonde halted, a child like grin tugging on his lips. He grabbed her wrist, speeding off to an unknown location, ranting on about how he knew the perfect place for that.

"Aren't we skipping class?" Jiyeon asked, not like she cared, but it sounded like a reasonable thing to ask at the moment— alas she had some sanity left, Seungmin would be so proud.

"I'm going to unbored you," was Felix's reply and it kinda killed her last active braincells. She opened her mouth to complain but chose to give it up.

She had things to think about, like how was he suppose to unbored her, if he knew nothing about what excite her— shit, she herself had no idea about that— guess she'll have to see what he had in mind.

After countless flights of stairs, Felix chiming on about something— was it about Jisung and Hyunjin competing for who meowed best?— and several bumping, they made it.

"The rooftop?" Jiyeon deadpanned, skeptically looking at Felix who still had his beam. "Expected, Typical, cliché, do better!"

"Aww, were you expecting a romantic date?" The Aussie cooed, ruffling her hair. Jiyeon immediately flinched, jumping away from him, a tiny squealing sound escaping her.

"Why do you always flinch when  your hair is touched?"

"I hate it," She replied, hesitantly sitting next to the spot Felix had patted for her. "Don't ever do it again!" She sneered, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, sure," Doing the total opposite, Felix whisked his fingers through her hair, conceding a thwack from her, a loud cry escaping him.

"How do you plan on getting me unbored?" Jiyeon questioned, inserting air quote on the particular word Felix had used, an eye roll followed after, her tone totally flat and bland, void of any enthusiasm.

Felix gasped, the brim of his lips curving into a smirk. "Someone's enthusiastic today," He feigned surprise, placing a hand on his chest.

"I'm not!" She firmly spoke, shooting him a death glare. "I'm just. . .curious," Jiyeon muttered the last word, looking away from her counterpart.

She could still hear Felix muttering some words, his grin evident in his tone, so she pushed that away, kicking her feet, anticipating.

This was awkward, it felt to Jiyeon like she was finally having a normal conversation with Felix that doesn't involve threats and collar grabbing.

"You don't have a plan, do you?" In a hushed tone, Jiyeon inquired, not looking away from her skirt. Indeed she was waiting for at least anything.


Just like her— or so she had been addressed a number of times— you'd be surprised what a single word could turn a person into.

Felix was quiet for a while, before he perked up, regaining his cheeriness. "But hey, at least we're not in class, that would had been worse."

"Don't use me as an excuse to skip class, Lee!"

"Oh my lord, you just said my name, correctly!" Felix beamed, his eyes pushed into slits— it wasn't technically his, but let the kid dream— his expression totally bubbly.

Jiyeon rolled her eyes, scoffing under her breath.

"Aww, is my Kitty's tsundere walls breaking?" The Australian teased, poking her cheek. This was all fun for him, it seems.

"K..kitty?" Jiyeon mentally cursed herself for stuttering, of course she wouldn't let that side of her show, so she immediately wore her frown, sneering at Felix. "You're so cringe."

"But you love it, m'lady," The blonde retorted.

"Eww, disgusting!"

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Aha, you thought I forgot this is a Felix fanfic, right?

Okay, maybe I kinda did...

But that's not the point.

Ehem, I present a Felix chapter thingy, Taa daaa 🎊🎊
*insert terrible drumming*

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment


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