4 {Fluff}

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{Update: 309 READS? 😨 THANK YOU SO MUCH}

{I'm back from the dead for the millionth time-}

{I guess a bit of fluff *but romantic version sorry if it isn't fluff because I never did fluff, only smut 🌚*}

Yellow, Blue and Green was chilling + Mango and Purple. They were playing card games, and the one who kept winning was Yellow while Blue had been losing in every round. Purple and Green were tied, Mango didn't play card games because he was reading a book while they were chaotic.

Red and Second were in the kitchen making food for them, Red almost burnt the food but Second helped before he even burned the food. Red was making something extra for the food until Second put his arms around which made Red flinch a bit.

R: Red 🔴
S: Second 🔶

R: S-Second, what are you doing? {had to do the stutter sorry 😔}

S: just hugging you from behind

R: but I need to focus on the extra thing I need to make

S: aw~ but please Red?~ for a bit?

R: fine, only for a bit

Second was happy to hear that, and kept hugging Red from behind, Red sort of felt Second's d!ck {I had to so don't ask me okay 😜} due to him being real close but he didn't mind and kept continuing doing the thing he needed to do.

After he was done he yelled that the food was ready, everyone came in the dinner room, and waited for Red and Second to bring the food out, the food was now place in the table and everyone took turns of grabbing the food.

[Timeskip, everyone left after eating]

Everyone had left except for Red and Second, because they had to clean the dishes as well which they did and it took a few minutes for them to finish washing the dishes, before red could go to his room, Second picked him up which made red flinch a bit and made Second giggle a bit at it.

Second brought him to Red's room, went through his balcony and casually look at the sky [meaning the computer screen 😔]

. _.-._-._.-._.-_.-._-.

Causally become less active in Wattpad and that ain't good 😨


Have this picture and this doesn't belong to me and I don't know who it belongs to, if you do tell me!

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Have this picture and this doesn't belong to me and I don't know who it belongs to, if you do tell me!

Words: 409

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