My Protector Part 12

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         As usual Sheriff Richardson was on his way to respond to a bloody crime scene. He had the lawyer Sofia as a ride along ten minutes prior and made the detour to the woods. They saw the remains of a struggle and the paraphernalia of drugs amongst the burning. Tire tracks of military vehicles  and 5.56 casings on the grounds. He began to walk up seeing the trails of clothing yet no bodies towards a dirt road in the clearing of the woods. Sofia was disgusted  despite refusing to stay in the cruiser. As they began to walk up the dirt road they found a mangled body thrown and disheveled.  They saw another near the cabin they saw on the hill. Sofia screamed as she saw the bloodied body and startled what looked to be another. However it turned out to be Tala and Will. Will was bloodied and crying being rocked by Tala her halter top covered in blood and her cargo pants tattered.

        Somehow its always you two isn't it. The sheriff said as he directed the pair to stand up and walk towards him. The sawed off shotgun on the ground still in the hands of a faceless assailant on the ground. The two were directed to clean up and head to the station once again for questioning. Tala lead Will up stairs to the shower and began to wash him. She kissed and bit his neck marking an calming him . The pain seemed to go away her wolf like abilities transferred to him allowing him to heal up. She set up clothes for him a long green collared shirt and tan pants. She laid out a leather jacket and woodland cammies, her Nike sports bra and chain . Silent and still compartmentalizing she left him in the bed and kissed him goodnight . She'd face the sheriff alone. 

       "So you are here, I don't see your doting boytoy with you Richardson said as he stood up to let her in the room. Tala looked him in the eyes and said" I prefer you not insult my mate, he was hurt and I left him in bed to heal. What's the paper pusher doing here? Ahh she was your mates last lawyer so I assumed she could be yours as well. Sofia staired into the silver eyes of the tall mate of her ex smelling the loud cologne he wore. The sheriff just has a few questions Tala that is all. "Tala sat down and agreed this would be quick.

"So I get it your boyfriend was attacked and the wolf saved him again, yet you were not there as usual. I've notice the wolf and you are never in the same area together. How come? Tala smiled and began to lean in do you really'wish to know?" The sheriff laughed ," I have no idea I don't think I can prosecute a guard dog.  "Tala began to laugh as she transformed into a wolf and back to her current form. Sofia screamed as the sheriff backed towards his desk . Tala grabbed him by the collar and said"I want a job."

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