My Protector Part 21

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       That morning was rough Will was sore and tired as his long night with Tala had caught up to him. He stood on the hotel balcony waiting breathing in the fresh air. The early morning  fresh air was  satisfying the cool breeze intoxicating. Will had some wild berry tea in his cup and a hotel white robe on. Time seemed to slow down as he stood there thinking about his life. Things had changed so much since the first day he got involved in all this. It felt like a lifetime ago being in that bar. Nothing truly tasted better than some warm tea in the morning he said. Unbeknownst to him he said it out loud. "I've got something that tastes better" a surprising hand felt on his shoulder startled him. What's up pretty boy did you sleep well? Tala said as she began to kiss his neck. Will smiled and put down his cup, "You know damn well I didn't sleep much last night". Oh quit being a baby, you know you liked it. Yeah I never thought something like that would be the thing i missed the most but here we are. Tala eyes squinted angrily, Oh so you didn't miss my company? I'm just kidding he said as a fake angry Tala picked him up and slammed him on the bed. "You know I love you baby but if you keep teasing me we won't make it to breakfast." WIll smiled maybe I don't want breakfast as Tala began to bite his neck.

         Lyka sat across from her niece's friends who seemed to be eating like they were starving peasants. Tala and Will were in the breakfast line giggling and piling their plated with meat and eggs. Sofia and Sarge began to laugh as they noticed the bite marks and hickeys on Wills neck. He attempted to look down and ignore everyone but Lyka made sure to tease it a bit. You look like my assistant she said laughing . Tala blushed as well as a few scratches were definitely visible since decided to wear her black sports bra to the table. Lyka then got up to head to the door," After Breakfast we have business and would it kill you to wear a shirt for once. " whatever you say boss Tala said as she finished piling bacon in her mouth. Sofia broke her silence watching the animalistic display, Good God Tala you eat like an animal. Sarge laughed and said That's cuz she is one.

       A few hours had past as Lyka sat outside waiting on her niece to show up. She had on a button up white shirt with several buttons undone along with her signature Oakley sunglasses. Tala showed up with a tactical flannel on not buttoned showing off her sports bra and abs just to piss off her Aunt. Lyka looked her in the eyes showing her red pupils as tala responded with her bright silver ones. Lyka began to speak but her mouth did not move. "This ability is something only our bloodline can do. I wanted to show you earlier buy you always kept me out of your head. Our power can even work on our mates, once it becomes official. A surprised Tala looked up. "official? like married? " Yes dear although its a magical ceremony we do often get the government involved just to take care of the pups. Tala backed away and sat down she wasn't sure how to take all this information.

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