My Protector Part 17

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     As the bloody Amazon stood in front of her friends , another car came forward. It seemed as though the sunlight radiated off of her bronze body. Will and the others stared in awe as her body returned to human form. Her canines retracting in front of everyone was a sight to see. They prepared for the inevitable until they noticed the vehicle was actually a black SUV. Will handed his mate a robe from inside, she snarled angrily her wolf form still in control mentally. The blood under her eyes and the anger keeping her from entirely returning. The black SUV through their doors open and several armed men came out. Men wearing fast helms, plate carriers and M4s surrounded them. Calling out the name of their agency as helicopters flew over and began to point at them with rifles from the air. The marine put his pistol down as he began to help up Sofia. Will also put his hands up before noticing that they began to tase his mate.

    Will ran towards the officer attempting to stop his mate from being detained. He then noticed Sheriff Richardson got out of his car following after with several new deputies . "Calm down son, the sheriff yelled, let the feds do their business. Will looked on with horror as he noticed Tala actually felt pain this time. She reverted back to her wolf form and began howling in pain as the catch pole grabbed her and they began to drag her away. Will was also taken as Sofia began to yell and her boyfriend began to hold her back. Thee black hood landed over Wills face before he to was taken to a vehicle and spread away. Sofia began to yell at Richardson next angry at him for joining forces with these federal kidnappers. He yelled back telling her he would explain everything. Will was suprised and confused how could soldiers overpower her so easily. He felt  the silver eyed wolf look at him through the window of the SUV. Their connection stronger than ever.

   Tala woke up chained to a table back in her human form. Her neck no longer had the choker as she felt a device keeping her from shifting . She began to feel despair for the first time in her life cut off from her mate and her forest. As she almost began to cry a soothing voice from the corner called her name. " Hello Tala the voice said as a Tall black woman with silver eyes walked towards her. Tala's eyes widened as she sensed kinship with the woman. The woman leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Tala was shocked and it was as if memories of her family returned to her. "Mother, is that you? she asked as tears began to form. No my dear its not your mother she said with a smile. I knew her very well though , in fact why do you think we look so alike? My name is Lyka and I am your Aunt and current head of the clan."

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