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Hello! Found this in my drafts and decided I needed to share this with all of you. I know I haven't been as active on this story, but if you go check out my other story Second Chances I have been and plan to keep updating every week until the story is done!
Thank you all for the love and support with this ongoing book of one-shots. 3.5k reads and counting, all thanks to you and our connected love for this imaginary couple.
I could continue on for quite a bit longer, but I'll let you get to the story, thanks again.

As Andy packed the last box of kitchen supplies she looked around her apartment. Although she had only lived here for a little while it had become one of the places she felt safest. Throughout the last few months she had come to love not having to share a space with anyone. She could do anything she wanted and nobody had to know about it.

During her suspension, this is the place she had grew to know herself better than ever before. Where she had finally grown the courage to talk to a therapist, with a little push from the fire department. While she didn't appreciate the fire department making it mandatory she was cleared by a therapist, she did understand it. And turns out when you've been through as much trauma as she had been, the therapist strongly recommends weekly sessions. With nothing else to do during her suspension she had agreed and learned so much about herself.

She had always known she had overreacted a bit before and after Maya's wedding, but she didn't understand why until she went to therapy. In therapy she realized the love she still had for Robert and how the love she had felt for him doesn't turn off just like that. What do you know Diane was right.

When her suspension was finally lifted and her therapist had agreed she could go back to work, she was nervous. For the first time in Andrea Herrera's life she was nervous. She had rediscovered her feelings for Robert, but she knew she could never share those feelings with him. She knew things about herself she never had before, and gone through things she never had before.

It was no secret that he had moved on, and she didn't want to complicate anything. Due to that she went to work, hid her feelings, came home and ignored her feelings. If she ignored them they would leave, right?


She learnt that the hard way when she had to watch from the sidelines as the only man she had ever truly loved was trapped in a burning house. Fear and panic were all she felt as she heard Robert over the radio saying he was almost out of oxygen. Hughes and Warren holding her back, when she had attempted to go in after him.

"He's smart he'll find his way out." Vic said, only a background noise to Andy.

Relief spreading over her when she saw the door open, Robert walking out before falling to the ground desperate to get fresh air in his lungs. She ran over to him, insisting he put the oxygen mask on when he tried to refuse.

After a quick visit to the hospital he was cleared, and returned back to shift where Andy hid from everyone. She didn't want to have to face Robert, or anyone else on the team for that matter. She didn't want to have to explain why she almost went in after him or the tears that threatened to fall down her face. They were divorced, he was dating someone new to everyone's knowledge, she shouldn't have feelings for him and would take any feelings that she did have to the grave.

It was two weeks later, when her therapist suggested that Andy tell Robert about her feelings, which Andy ignored, but she couldn't ignore the fact that ignoring it was beginning to have a toll on her.

Hiding away from everyone, staying to herself as much as possible, anything and everything to make sure she spent as little time with him as possible. Running away from her feelings for him was truly one of the hardest things she had done in her life.

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