Second Infancy

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That next night the boys went to bed. It was the last stage of regression so once they had reached the age of 2 they both released the biggest fart ever...


The fart spread throughout the house turning all the boys old clothes into baby clothes, all their undies to diapers and their bed to a crib.
The next morning Jaxon woke to see bars around him he turned to wake up Mike.

"Dada wake up, Wes becowme bwabies!" Jaxon said excitedly
"Wow, awnd to tink I was 40 yeaws old a few days agow. Nows I back in dwiapers" Mike said as he observed his yellow stained diaper matching his baby son
"I'm sowwy daddy, I didn't want to tuwn yows into a bwaby" Jaxon said on the verge of tears
"Hey, wemembew what I said? I'd wathew be a pwoopy dwiaper bwaby with yows den watch yows disappwear!" Mike said as he and Jaxon began to clench their stomachs
"Spweakimg of pwoopy dwiapers" Jaxon said through groans

Both toddlers clenched their fists and lowered to a squat, as if they had never grown up they both raised their butts and grunted as hard as they could


Both of their diapers sagged as baby poop exploded into their diapers, turning them brown. Both babies quickly lost balance and fell onto their messy rears with a squish, spreading the poop all over their butts and dripping out of their diapers.

"Woah" was all Mike could make out for a second
"Shouwd we go get chwanged?" asked Jaxon as bounced up and down on his mucky diaper
"No, Wets enjoy dis a wittle wongew, Wewe bwabies aftew awl, we bewong in pwoopy dwiapers" giggled Mike as his continued to grunt into his diaper.

Both boys sat there in their mess giggling and enjoying the beginning of their second infancy.

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