Twenty Six

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"Hello Lord Varys" I'm outside on a bench reading more about my family, from Old Valyria and the Dragon Flame. What I'm capable of doing, especially during pregnancy since I don't want to accidentally kill a bunch of people. I'm soon met by Lord Varys, I've never officially met him.

"Lady Bloom" he smiles "might I sit?" Nodding my head "beautiful creatures, your dragons" I put my book down closing it just as my dragons wrestle one another.

"Yes" I agree looking at the bald man in a kimono "how odd it is that we've never had the pleasure of meeting, unfortunate during times of war"

Nodding his head "Yes...congratulations on the babies, I hear multiples"

"Thank you" rubbing my belly "I can't wait for the babies to be born—now I'm guessing your here to see whether I'm like the Targaryens, well I'll assure you right now Lord Varys I'm no Targaryen"

"But you hatched eight dragons" he protests

"That's because my bloodline created the dragons" turning to look at him "within me is the Dragon Flame, Daenerys Targaryen may be a dragon lord" yes, we know that Daenerys Targaryen hatched three dragons "but she is not a dragon, I am. I have no wish to rule or anything like that, see the world I come from people are voted into power not inheriting...well very few win by inheritance"

"Another world?" He asks

Tilting my head "Come now, Lord Varys. Your a smart man, I know your spiders have told you how I was found in the woods" Corin told me before she left what Varys knows of me "and how my babies are truly Jon Snow's"

"Careful my dear" he warns "there are eyes and ears everywhere"

"And I'm protected by very powerful people" I assure him "people more powerful than even the Lannisters"

Nodding his head "Those must be very powerful people, care to tell me who?"

"You'll have to guess" shaking my head "nothing in life comes easy Lord Varys, nothing at all"

"Hmm..." he says "you truly are an interesting person, not even ten minutes and I'm already captivated by you"

"If you wish I could say the same" looking back to my dragons "I won't, see you haven't given me anything to see if you are a man I should learn to befriend"

"I can see" he agrees "how that might be a bit of a problem"

"So what makes you an interesting person?" I ask

"The fact that I can information about anyone" he suggests "or anything at any time, the fact that I managed get into my position with just nothing"

"Where's Arya?" I ask

He makes a face shaking his head "Now there's a person who seems to have evaded my wishes to know"

I would laugh if I didn't worry so much, where is she? Is she safe? She needs to be safe. If she isn't safe then only god knows what is happening to her as I'm sitting down living in somewhat luxury.

"I understand she was close to you" he says

"Like a little sister" I say "I was an only child so having Arya in my life was refreshing and amazing"

"And Lady Sansa?"

Making a face pressing my lips together "If her family didn't love her I wouldn't be here helping her, Sansa is a naive girl who is slow to learn"

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