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"That's why you shouldn't always trust me!" the brunette girl declared hands on her hips. 

"You just got lucky that round, Eleanor" the h/c replied rolling her eyes. 

"You're just angry that you didn't win this time around," Eleanor argued. 


It was a Saturday night, a random fun night with two girls in their small, rented house. The girls were on the floor playing a small board game, which Y/n was usually the champion at. Guess this shows that she couldn't be too cocky about it. 

"I won! so that means you're going to do the laundry for a week!" Eleanor reminded the deal that they placed on.

"I guess you're right," Y/n sighed in her defeat. 

Although laundry is usually done by taking turns, it was always a pain to run down to the laundry and wait for it to be done. 

"And you thought you would for sure win acting all bold and all of that!" She prideful smiled. "Oh how the turn tables, Y/n!" 

Eleanor pointed her fingers in her face as she jumped around, celebrating her own victory. Y/n sat there as she laid back with a disappointed sigh. Though she couldn't help but started to laugh. 

"I guess I was a bit too much this time around," she admitted, "though that doesn't mean you don't have to watch your back next time around! You have it coming!" 

Y/n stood up and ran over to attack her roommate. Oh she has it coming after shoving it in her face!

"Ah! Y/n!" She shrieked tumbling down to their kitchen floor. 

"Oh you had it coming you little rascal!" Y/n smirked as she messed up her hair. 

"My hair! How dare!" Eleanor gasped realizing the total nest her hair became.

"And that's why you don't act too bold!" Y/n declared mimicking her friend's stance.

Eleanor shot her a playful glare before bursting into laughter while Y/n also followed with.

"Man it's been ages since we had this much fun, hasn't it?" Eleanor said, standing up.

"Well school hasn't been really a fond of this you know?" Y/n stated, "I mean if I didn't have to do these assignments everyday. You know being a journalism major isn't good either with this stuff. Boring stuff I have to go through, ugh."

Y/n face down on her bed. Ever since she entered the end of high school, she was very passionate with writing and reporting or something along those lines. Though she had a lot of things to worry about and had feelings of regret. Maybe she didn't pick the right major? Would she be better off as a doctor as her mom says? Well, she started to really engulf in her passion and it made her realize this was where she wanted to be even if it was a pain sometimes to deal with.

"Ew I can't imagine," her friend laughed, "I can feel you, but oh well that's just how you have to go through. We're already half way through our 3rd year of university, we'll get through it."

Right, it was the 3rd year of university for Y/n almost ready for her to go off in the world. Though it feels like just yesterday she was dying around with her friends back in high school.

"Come on don't remind me!" She complained, "It feels like yesterday I was in freshman student in college! Leave me alone!"

Only been 3 years since then? 3 years since her last talks with him. It's been a while.

"Oh look at you wanting to reminisce those memories," Eleanor mocked, "Come on, Y/n! Let's just have fun in the now times!"

"Yeah, I know," Y/n said, "Just you know wondering how he is."
"Sorry I never really bring him up, but I just have that thought."

Her friend looks at her in sympathy. Of course, she knew everything about him. Everything that happened between them was something that sulked Y/n.

"Have your friends heard from him at all recently?"

"I mean Emma and Norman said he's just out there doing his own thing now last I checked. They must've fell out of touch after everything."

"I see... well it's time for us to not worry about him then! He has his own life ahead of him and it's not like we can change it you know."
"Remember we are trying to make the most of it now!"

"Guess you're right," she took sigh. "I guess it was just difficult thinking so you know? We were all just high school students just yesterday and now we have our own lives. It feels so surreal."

"Time goes by fast," her friend shrugs, "but that doesn't mean we live in the past time. We all growing up and having the time for us. I know it may seem like a hit in the face, but you have to let people go in order for you to move forward."
"Just like what you said to him before, you're moving on from it."

"I guess you're right. I've been so stuck onto this past that it's even hard for me to concentrate."

"Exactly! Although we let it go we don't forget the memories we had."
"But if it makes you feel any better, I got scheduled a ticket to go see Emma and Norman this summer!"

Y/n gasped, "No way! You're lying!"

Although Emma and Norman were far and such, they were always willing to go meet over them. She couldn't believe that she was going to finally fly over there. She couldn't be any happier. 

"Yes, way! I planned this way too long ago. That's the reason why I started to work so many part time jobs recently." 

Y/n looked at her in awe. "Ah! You shouldn't have! I should've helped you!" 

"Your misery in your rants on your writing was already enough for me," Eleanor laughed, "I can't stand hearing you complain about your job either."

Y/n shot up and glared at her. "I would've been way serious about it!" 

"Whatever you say," she rolled her eyes. 
"Just sleep tight already you need to get up early for your laundry duty tomorrow." 

"Yuck, I forgot about that." 

"Maybe shouldn't have been too prideful." 

"Oh shut it! Good night!"

"Night night!"

With a finally click on their lamps, they fell in deep slumber. 


But how did she get here. 

One second, she was groaning at how she didn't want to move out of bed. Next, she's here with the awkward tension in the room as she stood with widened eyes. 


It almost felt like a gasp. 

Y/n must be the unluckiest girl alive now, huh?


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