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Running through the crowds of friend groups, Y/n had already made a game plan. Well, not really, to be honest she was just merely competitive person, wanting to win at given circumstances.

Though she was pretty good at claw machines. It wasn't a special talent or anything too crazy. Normally, she would try to do it first try and then think strategically what to do next for her turn. It was some kind of technique she would realize to do, so it would take her about only three or four tries. If lucky it might be even the first two tries or could be very unlucky to the point she would quit.

She's not a pro but definitely a lucky and knowledgeable person when it comes to challenges especially with adorable stuff animals.

Looking over to a small area, she had found a cute duck plushie that kind of reminded her of Eleanor. From the visual, it was a round duck, particular small for it to be not "rigged" so the claw can pick it up. It had a fork and some small angry eyes, though they were so cute to not even be titled as an angry duckling.

'Definitely her every time' Y/n thought as she swiped her card. Around 340 credits left. 

The problem about claw machines is that sometimes they can be timed and sometimes they aren't. Unfortunately, she did get the one with a timer. It wasn't always difficult, but she would always have someone, Eleanor, to be able to check her if she was either centered right on the plush or if she was way off. Though by herself, she had to be serious and move around quickly to be able to look at it. 

"Too far"

"Too left"

"Too right"

"Too forward" 

"Too backward" 

"Slightly off"

When she thought it was centered properly, the timer had just gotten out. She had just gotten nervous again. As the claw went down, she hadn't felt so disappointed in herself. The claw was a little to way off from the plush, depending on how u look at it. 

She let out a disappointed sigh. The claw had latched onto the little end of the duck plush and the other end with it being a little too far from the duck. This meant that her try was a failure from how she positioned it.

"Damn," she cursed, "So close yet so far away."

As the misery fell onto her the claw had picked itself up to return to the little drop hole to give Y/n more of a disappointed look. Though a rush of energy had flown right through her again as she stared her face right onto the glass.

For some reason, the claw had picked itself up. but it clung onto a small tag. A small tag that had a little round opening that made the claw hook up onto it. As it lifted the plush, her face shined. 'Lucky' she thought.

With the finally plop onto the hole. She quickly grabbed it and saw the little duckling in her hands. How she will forever cherish this plush in honor of her luck today.

"Well, one down fifty five minutes left."


Within the last thirty to forty minutes, Y/n had lost count and control on what she put her mind to. Competition and just winning overall the most plushies to be able to just have and cuddle with was a dream.

With the final credits she had, she wanted to get something she like would long live love. Not like she didn't already love the ones she had, but she wanted to put her upmost potential into dedicating for this one plushie. Who knows if she loses it because whatever she finds in the crowd of claws, she'll dedicate her remaining to that claw. 

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