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"YOU WHAT?" Eleanor jumped, blinking at her heavily. 

"I know, I know." Y/n nodded her hand on her head in distress. "It was terrible I didn't think he would be here right then and there." 

"This is absolutely crazy, Y/n!" her friend yelled, "We were just talking about him last night and somehow he appears the next day. Do you think if we talk about cookies and milk, it'll appear just like that on our counter?" 

"Eleanor! What are you on!" she scolded, "It was just so crazy seeing how much he's change you know? Like I can't imagine him like that now." 

"Well, what are you plan on doing? Did you want to see him or something? What did you guys talk about?" 

Eleanor has been Y/n's best friend for years now. Although they didn't have a close friendship in high school due to the different schools, they would always update each other. Coincidentally they went to the same college, which resulted in their wants in being roommates. So yes, of course her friend was deeply interested by the fact that her best friend met back the person she used to nonstop talk about. Spouting out these questions and also being her listening ear. 

"Ah! I don't know, Ellie that's the thing," she replied, "I think I messed up our whole conversation after I mentioned a small section of our past." 

"What happened?" 

"It was just me and him talking about how's life been and stuff. Apparently, he's here because he's taking a small break from school. He mentioned one of our underclassmen from high school, which led me to rambling about how I was observing him every second of high school. Then resulting into telling him that I was head over heels over him. Indicating and reminiscing that we dated back then, which probably made him think that happened. And I'm still on a brink of thinking he ever saw those texts and if I should see him again." 

Y/n lips moved as fast as she could messing up her hair remembering the embarrassing awkward tension they had. She was practically screaming in her head. 'Idiot! Idiot!'

Her friend just nodded next to her. "I see... Well it doesn't seem too bad? It's probably unlikely to see him again anyways."

"That's the thing! I'm so caught up in everything that I don't what I want," she groaned, "This is way too complicated for me. I just wanted to have a fun winter break before the second semester starts and here I am worrying about this!"

"Hey, don't think about it too much," Eleanor calmly said, "I mean we are still trying to move on, right? No one says it was going to be easy. Plus it might just be a one time meeting, so you might not see him often."

Y/n nodded her head, maybe she was right. Thinking about it way too much was what started her to be too stressed out years ago. It's not going to be this time around that's for sure.

"All right, I'll try," she agreed.

"To think he talked to you about life instead of apologizes is ridiculous," Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Got to find yourself a better man that could explain himself."

Y/n laughed, "He was always kind of like that. Beats around the bush."

"Well-" Her friend stood up and grabbed her friend's hand to swing around. "We aren't letting a boy come in a way of this anymore. Time for a girl's day, what about that?"

Y/n laughed a bit and nodded. Her friend surely knows how to get her mind off things. "Sure let's go."



It's a small world after all its a small world after all- Quite literally. Who would've know that people would come and go. But the chances of seeing something like this is outrageous. 

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