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"No, maybe, yes? No, I don't know?" Y/n contemplated. 'What am I going to do?' 

Looking down at her desk, she was staring at her phone with a text message chat. Though she didn't type anything, it was more of her thinking about what to do in her final decision. Eleanor had told her that it was her choice in the end and left that morning to go run some errands. Meaning this was her own decision without anyone else coming to interfere. 

"What am I going to do with myself?" she ruffled her hair. 

It wasn't like she didn't know what to do. It was just the thought of it making her feel second back confusion or maybe it was guilt. With honesty, she didn't feel like she deserved to do it. Although she had thought about Ray as this petty, jerk like person, complaining about how he couldn't even talk to her. It made her think maybe she was the reason. 

'No, it couldn't' Thoughts running through her head every time she pictured them together. Ray was always reassuring that she was the person for him. Always mentioning how their personalities were like a coin, but still stuck in one. 

One being too head over heels over anything that comes along the way. Anything really would capture a glowing eye face to Y/n. She was the one always talking her head off, maybe too much, but she was never a fond of keeping what was on her mind. There was always something to talk about whether it might be absolutely preposterous or downright hilarious. 

The another trailing away all the time like a tail that doesn't want to be mentioned. Just like how tails aren't really much of an attention grabber that was what Ray had wanted. Not like he didn't mind the attention he got, but he's not that much of a conversational person to begin with. More of a pessimist more than an optimist with his wording. Maybe that was why Y/n found him so interesting. 

Just like a coin, they stuck together throughout all of high school. Pretty funny since they only became friends back in the 2nd year of middle school. Ray always hung out with his small crowd of friends without making too much attention while Y/n had her own with many people recognizing her. It was something in Y/n that wanted to approach him that year. Must've been his interesting long bang that he ever so loved covering eye. Or must've been how quietly he snuck through the halls without anyone knowing him. 

The small little attentive details made her even more intrigued. Even then, she couldn't find out who the mystery "Ray" guy was. Asking everyone, receiving only small details of his looks rather than his personality. That was until she had met a certain ginger girl.

Even then, they were running through the halls of high school. Opening up to their friendship and even casting him out of his small library area. With Y/n grabbing and dragging him out to the water fountain to come and eat with their friends. Or it would be Ray dragging her to the library to complete his book worm daily energy. Though everything was filled with special memories.

"But why did we even go wrong in the first place?" she sighed folding her arms on the desk. 

High school they had lived their lives to the fullest, but everything changed back when they confessed their love under the pretty spring flowers. Flowing through the air as if it knew that they were together. 

"Y/n," he called in a distance. 

"What is it, Ray?" she walked closer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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