The start of something

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"Each and every individual has their own experiences and unique perspectives with regard to what is required in any case and the outcomes that can be achieved. Today, great successes achieved were through collaborative approach." Said the keynote speaker.

As Eliesha rummaged through her bag for a notepad, she had forgotten that she could jot it down in her phone. She swiftly tried to recall what the keynote speaker had said regarding interdisciplinary teams. Eliesha was a top notch board passer and a registered dentist in the Philippines. Her passion for dentistry began to grow after she began her career in dental field, which is unique in the field of dentistry because most dentists knew that they wanted to be a dentist even as they were studying in university.

The keynote speaker had ended her topic saying," Great dentists are not the ones who can work alone, but great dentists are those that are open to growth and continuous education."

With that thought in mind, Eliesha remembered that her friends, who were also dentists, were attending the convention as well. She sent them a text and they all gathered at a nearby café for coffee. Soon after, they arrived at CoffeeBay and while they waited for their orders, Jasmine took out her ipad and began discussing the case. 

Jasmine then begun saying, "A 29-year female complained of black gingiva in her upper jaw and unaesthetic smile. There was no significant findings in her medical history and the patient did not receive any cosmetic dental treatment. The patient had short teeth with uneven gingival margins, anterior diastema, high lip line, and generalized gingival pigmentation." 

As each of them carefully listened to Jasmine, they were called to get their orders at the counter. After receiving their specific orders, they continued on with the discussion. Jasmine and Matthew are periodontists that have been in the field for about 4 years. Xyla has been in the field of restorative dentistry for about 3 years while Andrew and Eliesha have been in the field of orthodontics for about a 2 years.

" What time do you think we should start the procedure?" Xyla asked.

Jasmine swiftly responded, "Considering that she has no significant medical histories or illnesses to note, I think that a morning appointment would work well for the patient just in case it will take long." Everyone agreed to the appointment time and begun discussing the treatment plan. 

Xyla started off by saying, " We can begin with an irreversible hydrocolloid impressions for both arches and do a diagnostic wax up."

"I think that we can also do orthodontic therapy," Andrew added.

"Yes, I agree with Andrew." Eliesha smiled as she looked at Andrew, "By doing so we can achieve space distribution."

"I think its important to make sure that the patient has a recall with one month intervals so that we can prepare for the periodontal surgery afterwards." Matthew commented.

With the plan coming together, the team was slowly gathering information and planning it accordingly so that there would be little to no error. Collaboration could be seen from the team as they continued to talk about the treatment plan in CoffeeBay. It is crucial for every interdisciplinary team to ensure that they can present a treatment plan to the patient and achieve optimal patient care.

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