Things change

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Thoughts started to rush into Andrews mind, "So, she's eventually leaving. We broke up back in university when we were still students because of me, and I came back because I wanted her by my side again. I shouldn't have left her back then, but we were still young. Now, everything's different now and I do want her so why is she leaving?"

Outside the restaurant, Eliesha noticed Andrew staring at her phone, "Oh! I must have forgotten about that."

Andrew snapped back to reality as he gave her phone back, "Ah, yeah. Uhm- here."

"Thanks," Eliesha smiled, "Well, see you at work!"

On the way home, Andrew started reminiscing about his past memories with Eliesha. Andrew and Eliesha used to study in the same university, but due to certain circumstances Andrew had to move universities. Although their relationship did last for quite some time, there were still situations that although could have been avoided, inevitably still happened. Thus the reason why they broke up after being in a relationship for so long. Andrew ultimately decided that what he was doing was for both of them, but mostly for himself. 

Years later the both of them reunited because Eliesha was offered a job in his home province, thus the reconnection of the two. They then rekindled as friends and went to the convention, now working together on the same interdisciplinary case handed to them. Eliesha, on the other hand, took the breakup badly. She was affected by it so much, but that only made her drive for success even greater. Her friends, Xyla, Matthew, and Jasmine were always there to support her which made her journey easier. 

It's quite similar to interdisciplinary dentistry. You never really know when you'll be able to work with a certain team again unless you make it official. They say that the only constant thing in this world is change and although true for the characters of this book, it is often something everyone needs to go through.

Monday soon came by quickly and the team had met once again to discuss the remaining treatment plan.

Xyla started of by saying, "Okay, everyone! I have news, but it's not big, but it's big." She said with a huge grin on her face, "I'm publishing a book!" All of us screamed with excitement and were happy for Xyla's achievement. 

She continued, "But besides that, here's how the restorative part for the patient will go." Xyla continued on for about an hour or so until she was able to finish the whole plan.

The team all contributed ideas after Xyla's elaboration and came to a conclusion. Eliesha and Andrew then left first while Jasmine, Xyla, and Matthew stayed behind to catch up with each other. 

" Why are they still hanging out?" Matthew asked as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't know," Xyla said, "Wherever she's happy, we should support her."

"I don't care, but Eliesha really broke down when Andrew left her. Things change." Jasmine added as she sipped on her coffee. Jasmine then followed up with the patient and set the appointment for her final treatment, which was the restorative procedure.

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