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Today Gemini accompany Fourth picking up his friends from UK at the airport. He got excited to know what kind of people Fourth friends with. They must have the same temperament as Fourth that's why they can be brothers.

"It's all because of you we're late." Fourth sulked, he should be here one hour before but Gemini not waking him up. When he woke up, he open his chat application saying they're now waiting for him at waiting area.

"Who asked you seduced me?." Gemini revert back, it's true. Fourth comes naked, sitting his ass on his lap this morning. Fourth's butt rub his manhood making his below part become hard in instant.

Not just that, Fourth also whispering sexily into his ear saying he want him so bad. Fourth kissed him passionately, sucking his neckline until Gemini cannot resist him anymore, giving Fourth what he want.

Gemini lifted him up and mating with him following Fourth pace. His little baby happily riding him, moaning his name and biting his pink lips. He is so sexy making Gemini slam hard. Fourth's hands embracing on Gemini shoulder for support.

"I'm not babe!" Fourth deny his accusation even it's all the truths. He is the one who started it first, sex with Gemini never bored, it's always satisfying, he know where all his sensitive spot and what he doesn't likes.

"You are baby." Gemini not going to let him win, he likes seeing Fourth's blushing until he's red all over first then he gave in.

This morning after their activities, Gemini remind Fourth that they have to fetch his friends in ten minutes. Fourth stubbornly took a nap saying it's still early. Gemini end up sleeping beside him makes the couple overslept.

"Who asked you follow me drift to sleep?."

"My body also need recharge baby. Who know tonight you want sexual relations with me, why should I refused?." Gemini normally feedback at each Fourth seduction. He notice Fourth also behave like him nowadays, never reject his lust. They enjoy intercourse with each other.

"I'm not going to sleep with you tonight."

"Baby..." Gemini whines earning a soft chuckle from Fourth.

"Come out now, we're late." Fourth said before he open the door.

"I love you baby." Gemini shout so his husband can hear him. His voice resonated the empty parking lot.

"Shhhh, you're too loud." Introvert Fourth observed around the basement, checking whether got people or not. Relieved when it's only them, Gemini assistant and guard there.

"Who asked you to be so cute?." Gemini locked his car, giving his order to his guard giving them alone time. Gemini intertwine his finger with Fourth. He raised his hands kissing Fourth's finger repeatedly inside elevators.

"Love me?." Fourth asked, enjoying teasing Gemini.

"Isn't it obvious?." Gemini side eying his Fourth.


Fourth run towards his friends, bringing them into hug.

"I missed you guys." He said smiling widely showing his teeth. Gemini see the friends greet and teasing each other behind Fourth, waiting Fourth introducing him patiently.

"Babe, meet my best bro Satang and his husband Winny." Fourth introduce the couple he adores so much. Gemini nodded, saying hello to them, both return back his greetings.

"You guys are so famous, you're are all over the news little bean." Winny inform Fourth, even right now he can see a few people take a glance at them probably due to Gemini and Fourth wedding news announcement recently.

Gemini look around, some people probably secretly taking his picture with Fourth. He's not worried because his guard is around, his PR team will repress the news or any picture related with him and Fourth immediately.

Satang clueless that Fourth's now married, he knew it from his husband Winny. He show him an article congratulates the boys thus he called Fourth for confirmation. Fourth asked him come here to visit and now he is. Fourth is likes his younger brother, he can't say no towards him.

"Why never tell me?." Satang started to inquire, seriously looking at Fourth guilty face. He can't wait to understand everything. Fourth already explain briefly during their tele conversation yet Satang want full stories, no excuse.


"Why don't we go eat first?. Shall we?. You guys can talk later." Gemini butt in trying to help his husband, he notice Fourth uncomfortable. Giving a signal to his assistant and guard arrange Satang and Winny luggage.

After lunch, Gemini give Fourth his me time with his dear friends. He will comes later at night, Fourth already discuss with him about it. He left the three inside Fourth condo that he bought as a wedding gift to him.

Fourth doesn't want them staying at the hotel, therefore Gemini suggest him to let them stay here. Here have bigger space and more rooms compared to Fourth place near hospital.

Rather than keeping this place empty, better asked them occupied it. Gemini and Fourth rarely come, they normally drop by checking the house and never slept here.

It's not suitable for Satang and Winny stay in Fourth and Gemini condo since they have done too many naughty things inside, they fully utilised the space when they're having sex, it's better keep both home for their personal used only.

"Call me if anything okay baby." Gemini order, giving him full mouth kiss before going back to the mansion, the maid already prepared everything for the couple, they can enjoy their time. Fourth take a sit beside Satang, he wipe his lips.

"Your husband so cool." Satang compliment Gemini, Winny never let him have his time alone, he will tagged along everywhere he go.

"I'm not cool?." Winny a bit jealous hearing Satang said it to the people he met less than one day.

"You're beyond cool darling. Now sit, I want to interrogate our brother here. He better tell us every single things." Satang firmly said.

"Asked." Fourth so ready to explain. Satang is the one who asked the question while Winny all ears listening.

"How about Nate?." That's Winny question, he remember Nate have a huge crush on Fourth.

"He's another story."

"Tell us." Satang want to know everything. Later both laugh when they heard Nate finally giving up his hopes.

"He's so childish. I'm impressed with his spirit winning your heart, it's never make sense." Winny can imagine Nate face being rejected. That guy strong-willed sometimes annoyed people. He don't know how to step out if people doesn't likes him back.

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