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Ever since Satang and Winny join Gemini family for a dinner, they become close with the family. They have decided to stay in Thailand for a bit longer. They said they want to explore and understanding the culture of their birth country,

Both of them stay abroad since they're kids. Now Ma regularly invited them home for dinner or sometimes the couple accompany Ma doing charity works with her team.

Gemini always telling Fourth that he is thankful towards the kind hearted couple. Because of them, Ma stop third wheeling him and Fourth. He don't mind if Ma said they're her favourite at at all.

"Sorry to disturb you guys." Since Satang and Winny profession are photographer, Ma asked them to capture the moment, they agree without further question.

"It's okay Ma..." Satang sincerely said.

"Yeah, we got free food, don't mention it." Winny added. He always the funny one.

Yesterday was Pa birthday, they celebrate it with simple family dinner. Pa said this year he want to be with his small family only, no party.

Still Ma wanted to throw small birthday celebrations with Pa staff at the office. She want to treat them lunch, she already ordered and arrange the food sent directly to the office during lunch time. 

Fourth, Satang and Winny following Ma went to the office. Their hands full with goodies Ma prepared for Papa staff. She want to surprised Papa so she’s not telling her husband and son they were coming.

Fourth going to Gemini room after he put down the things inside conference room leaving his Ma who busily planning with the staff to surprise Pa.

Gemini secretary greet him with wide smile when she saw Fourth walks closer. She pick up the telephone to inform her boss abou his husband arrival, but Fourth hold her back.

“There’s a food party inside conference room, you can go now.”

"What are they celebrating Doctor Fourth?"

"Director birthday..."

"I'm going first." Gemini secretary quickly left her place when she hear about free food.

Fourth open the door without knocking. Gemini seems surprised when he saw Fourth stand in front of his door, the young women beside him looked shocked as well.

Fourth eying Gemini suspiciously, wondering why that girl lean her body on Gemini's arm.

“Baby you come....” Gemini nervously greet him, getting caught like this makes him uncomfortable. Fourth nodded, not happy with what he saw.

Gemini sat up leaving his chair, he get his husband, holding Fourth both hands.

“Meet my husband Fourth Nattawat. Baby meet our client Ms Lily.” The pretty young women smiling at him but Fourth not returning the smile, he just nodded.

Gemini sense something is not right with Fourth.

“You guys continue with what you're doing, I go out first.” Fourth said.

“We already finished discussing, right Lily?.”

“Yeah...we're finished. I go back first, see you when I see you.” She said before leaving the two alone.

“What with the long face baby.” Gemini said when Fourth not looking at him at all.

“Did you guys not learning business etiquette?. Why she’s leaning on your body and why you not avoiding her?.” Fourth questioned, he's upset.

“Baby it’s not like what you’re thinking.”

“What did I think?. I didn’t think, I witnessed it." If Fourth get angry he can be scary.

"Baby listen, I can explain....”

“Is she that important client until you let yourself being rubbed like that?. Being lovey dovey instead off discussing in professional manner?.”

“Fourth don’t misunderstand.” Gemini don't like being accuse like that.

“I saw you with my own eyes!.” Fourth raise his voice. Gemini hold his hand but Fourth brush him off.

“Don’t touch me...you better explain why she cling to you like that.” He take a deep breath before seating on the sofa.

“You know I hate cheater. If you want us apart, try me.” Fourth challenge Gemini. So long they not quarrel but today is an exception.

“Fourth she’s my former classmate, we met in US. She... she likes me but I don’t like her back.” Gemini telling Fourth the truth.

“Oh, just because she is your friend, have a crush on you, she can do whatever she want with you?. Didn't she realized you're someone else husband?.” Fourth start yelling.

Gemini not being reasonable at all. If Ma not asking him come, when will he know how Gemini act behind him.

“You let her touch you easily.”

“I...I don’t know how to push her. It’s rude baby.”

“Hah? Rude? As a married man you should avoiding any contact with her."

"I'm sorry. Believe me we have nothing. I love only you." Gemini kneeling in front of angry Fourth.

“Remember Gem, I’m also a shareholder of this company. I want you to stop the alliance with her immediately, understand!.” Pa already transfer his share under Fourth name, he said it's his dowry for marrying his son.

Gemini nodded, everything Fourth said matter. He better follow what his husband asked him do before things get worse.

Fourth phone inside his pocket vibrating. It's Ma calling him. Fourth answering and nodded saying okay.

"Everyone waiting at the conference room. You want to join you join if you don't want, suit yourself." With that Fourth leaves Gemini behind, he can't accept what Gemini done.


Today mark three days Fourth not coming back to the mansion. Fourth said he want to clear his head, asking Gemini giving him some space, therefore he let him. Gemini not following him staying in the apartment.

Pa and Ma knew something bad must be happened with his son marriage. Fourth not returning home and their relationship seems off during Pa birthday celebration at the office.

The middle age couple decided to intervene since they loves the two. They start with his son, it's always Gemini is the root cause of their issue.

"Tell us everything, you save your marriage before things getting worst." Ma warns him.

Gemini tell them about what happend making his Pa and Ma speechless.

"Gem...." Ma hit his arm, not only that she take a small pillow beside her throwing at her son.

"Calm down Ma, we're here to give him advise." Pa console her wife.

"Your son very stupid Pa. If I were Fourth I also get angry."

"Ma I don't like her at all, you guys know I only have Fourth in my eyes."

"You're married man Gem, why letting others touch you easily?. Don't you get mad if Fourth doing the same thing like you?."

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