[001] monsters hide behind the prettiest faces

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[001] monsters hide behind the prettiest faces

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[001] monsters hide behind the prettiest faces

[001] monsters hide behind the prettiest faces

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                    Eden had been born with a violent heart, and she tried so hard to keep it suppressed while the world was still functioning. She thought she would've had to suffer forever. But then the world ended and Eden was finally able to act on her violent urges. She wasn't called a monster or a psychopath. It was all in the name of mere survival. In a way, Eden felt like she had been reborn the moment that the world all fell apart. People like Eden were the ones on top, taking out those weaker than her. People like Eden were the ones who adapted to their roles as the predator naturally, not thinking twice about slicing the throat of someone else to live another day.

                     Either him or me... I choose me every damn time.

                    She had lost track of how much time had passed since the world collapsed at the hands of the dead coming back to life. Eden could still remember the day that it happened. She had just been let go from the police force due to complicated matters (ha, it was a nice way of saying she had snapped and killed a man in cold blood) and Eden had been fuming in some seedy bar. The news playing on the small, shitty TV began talking about dead people coming back to life and eating people. They claimed it was some sort of terrible virus and that you should stay indoors while the authorities took care of it.

                   That hopeful message went to shit pretty quickly when there were a lot more dead than living.

                    Eden managed to survive the best way she knew how. She killed. She made sacrifices and stained her hands with blood that she could never wash away no matter how hard she scrubbed. She became the monster that her old colleagues at the academy feared. The last bit of humanity Eden had been clinging onto in the past had died when civilization did. And as twisted as it sounded, Eden was so happy. She was finally herself and although Eden was alone, she was alive. It was better if she was alone anyways. People slowed her down and Eden was way too selfish to let anyone stick around for long. Eden always wanted something someone else had, and she was willing to take it no matter what.

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