[005] first day on the job

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[005] first day on the job

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[005] first day on the job

[005] first day on the job

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                                   Eden wakes up bright and early, almost expecting to be back in those woods with the bright sky staring down at her. But she's greeted with the ceiling instead and she's instantly reminded of everything that's happened to her. She went from being a scavenger to a prisoner and now she was working for the very man she had screwed over. As long as Eden made sure to earn Negan's trust, she'd be able to live another day and plot her escape.

                                  It was definitely going to take her a little longer than planned. But there was no way Eden was giving up and actually settling down here. Sure, it was nice to have her own bedroom and be able to eat and shower and pretend like everything was normal. But you should never get too comfortable. The moment you do that, you allow yourself to be weak. And weakness equaled death.

                                  Eden belonged in the wilderness. It kept her sharp, it kept her alive. It served as a reminder that the world would never go back to the way it was again and Eden liked that. She wasn't made for the old world. She felt more herself in this one. And while everyone in this sanctuary could go on and pretend like they were going to be safe and cozy forever, Eden certainly wasn't.

                                  Before Eden was set to go out and scavenge along with the rest of the team, she had to eat something. And so she went down to the cafeteria to get her breakfast. But that was probably one of the tensest moments in Eden's life. She hadn't had this many eyes on her ever since the day she had been let go from the police station after the... incident. Eden, however, was not about to let all of the glares intimidate her. So she stared back at them and eventually, it all stopped. Eden doesn't take too long on breakfast, even if it was probably the best thing she had eaten in a really long time. Eden knew she had to hurry and make it outside where Negan said he and the others would be.

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