Why? (Backstory)

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Is it already time to wake up for school...?

I groaned. After a good 10 seconds, I turned to the side and deactivated the alarm. My stomach started growling as if it was begging me for food. I stood up from the bed and started waddling down the stairs, half asleep.

Usually I would be called by my mom, but she fell ill yesterday. So she probably wouldn't be able to call me down. Unless she was cured of her illness from sleeping, maybe she's just lazy.

I opened the fridge quietly, in search of food. Well I think it was quiet, but somehow my mom woke up.


I jumped because of the sudden shout.

I replied, "Sorry mom... I was just very hungry and it's a school day-"


This... This was normal... A normal day...

I ran upstairs having lost my appetite.

I'm tired of this. Every single day this happens. WHY? GIVE ME A BREAK! I'M TRYING!

I curled up into a ball on my bed. I suddenly started bawling my eyes out. Every single second I spent chewing my nail and asking myself...


Suddenly a wave of exhaustion fell upon me. Everything was blurry. I don't know how. I don't know why. I couldn't control my movements, and I could barely see.

What's happening to me?

Next thing I knew I was downstairs holding a knife. The edge of the knife had a tint of red on it. And once I fully regained my sight, I saw my mom dialing the police. Her arm had been cut, but it wasn't a deep cut.

I dashed out the back door out of fear. The closest police station was 10 minutes away. So I had to get out fast if I didn't want to get caught. By the cops or by my mom.

The knife I had held, had slid off my hand and fell onto the floor on my way out. So I had nothing to guard myself with. Dropping it was probably a mistake seeing as I could've used it to protect myself, in case anything happens. But I didn't pay attention to it, not until I ran into the forest and felt like everything was watching me.

Because it felt like everything in the forest was watching me, I decided to stay at the edge, where the bush is for coverage. When I heard the cops I got scared. I caught a glimpse of a car and my mom outside, she looked furious but she was probably happy I was gone. Then I started walking into the eerie forest.

The forest was said to be haunted which was why nobody went inside. Well a lot of the kids go inside the forest to, "test their bravery". But their parents don't know that. My parent didn't know that either. Well, lucky me. Nobody would chase me unless they were brave enough.

I stumbled on a branch and toppled down a tiny hill. I was wearing a dress, that dress had gotten snagged on a tiny branch. It used to be a black and white patterned dress, but now it was covered with mud, dirt, grass and leaves.

My whole closet was filled with black and white outfits. That's because the only events I've been to are funerals. So I had no need for colored clothes. Hence why people nicknamed me Black And White. It's a pretty long nickname but I got used to everyone calling me that. Even though my full name is Marith Lee Gaia, I've pretty much forgotten that name. The only people who called me by that name were the teachers and my mom.

I got tired of running and sat down next to a tree. I was weary from all that had happened.

I'll just sleep for a little bit. Nothing will happen to me...

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