Song Mingi || Chapter 2

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Song Mingi is a 24 old man that lives in a apartment with his two friends Seonghwa and Hongjoon.

Mingi always knew what he wanted to do. And that was music. He always loved, adored and was fascinated by the way how music could cure so many of his problems. So he already knew at a very young age, that he wanted to make music and make people happy with it. That was always what he wanted to do. And he knew that.

But his parents weren't amused by it at all. The reason is easy. They hated music. With all of their heart. Mingi never knew why. They never played the radio on road trips, never went to musicals, never watched anything with music in it on the TV and they weren't allowed to have any apps with music involved on their phones. Mingi always wondered why.

But his older brother secretly got him an MP3-Player to his 8th birthday and this was how he discovered his passion and love for music. Mingi always listened to music on it when he knew his parents wouldn't need him.
That was until one day his mother came into his room unannounced and found him listening and singing to a song on his MP3-Player.
His mother was furious and screamed at him, that he knows that they don't approve music in their house. She smattered the Player and Mingi was sad like never.

But Mingi never gave up on music. He knew that this was what he wanted to do. But his parents wanted him to be a doctor. But obviously this wasn't what he wanted.

One day when he was 14 he got together all of this courage and told his parents and his brother, that he didn't want to be a doctor but wants to produce music.
His brother gave him a smile but his parents were mad. Like really mad. They screamed at him, telling him that this wasn't how they raised him, even told him to pack his things and leave. Mingi knew what he did was the right thing, other wise he wouldn't have been happy with his life.

Luckily his best friends Hongjoon always had open arms for him and also Hongjoon's mom loves Mingi so they took care of him.
Hongjoon is like another older brother to him. They always did everything together. Hongjoon actually brought music into Mingi's live. He always showed his younger friend his previous favorite songs and Mingi always was amazed.
Mrs. Kim knew about Mingi not being allowed to listen to music, since his mother told her but she thinks it's bullshit, so she lets him listen to all the music he wants, because she knows it makes him happy.

After years of living with the Kim's, Hongjoon found his love of his life named Seonghwa. And after a three years of a happy relationship and Mingi always third wheeling on their hang-outs, they decided to move in together. They offered Mingi to live with them and he took that offer, because otherwise he would feel like he would bother Mrs. Kim.

Mingi and Hongjoon never stopped producing and making music. They firstly only uploaded their songs on YouTupe on a small account. But after a while a small company noticed them and they made a contract and now they also had accounts on music platforms.
After a successful start were they gained a lot of fans, they decided to also produce their own music and start a little label for themselves.

And now they are two of the most famous rappers in Korea.

But what does this have to do with Jeong Yunho?

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