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We see the Narrator sitting in a fireplace taking a tiny bit of a break from his early job of the first story drinking some Top of the Morning Coffee that he ordered earlier so that he can prepare to read this story considering he has to work double the time until they got enough money to buy a new Narrator for this story.

Narrator: Hello fellow readers I see that this caught your interest and yes, I'm the same Narrator from the first story and has you can tell my Boss made this story to see how well it goes(Mumbles) Doesn't pay me enough for this shit(Speaks out loud)so let's not wait long and get right into it for this story shall we!?

Narrator POV

We see our main character named Y/n Bravado floating around in the white void not moving for a bit before his hands started twitching and his eyes slowly opening up before placing his hand over his head and groaning. Now I know what you're thinking.....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE MAIN CHARACTER... Well it's simple really..he died...and how did he die well you see earlier before this happened he was walking back from buying donuts that he got for his parents has a surprise for them, he bought 2 packs of Donuts so that they don't run out to fast but then when he was looking at the crossroad he a little boy and girl running and not looking left or right(Remember People always check before you cross)at the crossroads.

He was about to tell them be careful but saw something coming towards them, It was big, It was Red, It was running at full speed and the Worst part about it......IT HAD NO DRIVER!?.It is THE INFAMOUS and most DANGEROUS being in the ENTIRE universe it's*Dramatic Music Plays in the Background*also Responsible for also Isekaing many people to different worlds weather they want to or not, It's the ONE the ONLY......TRUCK-KUUUUNNNN!?.Y/n saw that the kids did not notice and started sprinting towards them, he was able to reach them and push them away and was able to save their lives but he couldn't escape in time resulting in him in getting hit by Truck-Kun instead of the children, the people around them panicking and screaming while others were calling the Ambulance and hopefully be able to save him in time the Children's parents went to check on them seeing if they were ok, the kids were alright while also crying because of their hero saving them,Y/n was bleeding while the floor was slowly flowing with his blood.

The Children rushed to Y/n and checked to see if he was ok while Y/n vision even when his slowly dying he could still see them.

Little Boy:(crying)Mister are you ok?

Even with all the pain that he has he smiled at the little boy so that it doesn't scare him.

Y/n:(Smile)Yeah am fine*Coughing blood*it's...just a flesh wound....that is all.

He was of course lying to the boy so that he doesn't scare him, he knows that he doesn't have much time left in this world.The parents arrived and the girl grabbed her father's leg and hugged him tightly while he returned the embrace and holding on to her daughter tight and trying to calm her down.Y/n saw that the Donuts were somehow still intact so with all his strength he grabbed the bags and handed them to the mother who was already in tears and told her.

Y/n:(Smile)Here....take this*Cough*I don't think I'll....Need this... Anymore and... *Cough*can you deliver this to my parents.. and tell them that I'm now in a better place and...that I'll always be with them.

The Mother nodded and cried harder because of the request he gave her while Y/n then looked at the boy who was crying so he moved his right Bloody hand and wiped the tear while saying.

Y/n: hey it's..... alright don't blame....'s not your fault...just promise me your gonna go far and live your life to the fullest alright....kid(The boy nodded tears still coming out of his eyes)I think....I'm gonna take....a short nap...fare....well.

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