Chapter 2:4 years and seeing some action part 2

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We see the Narrators office a bit ruined after....The Steve incident and could see he was banged up a bit after solving the situation. He then sits down on his chair that luckily survived the Incident and then he looked at the readers with the bandages all on the right side of his face...... again.

Narrator:(Grunt) God this hurt's like Hell.... OH umm (Clears throat) Good day Fellow Yu-Gi-Oh Reader's I now what you might be wondering "Narrator what Happened to you Man! And why are you so banged up from every part of your body and also why do you have an entire*Places his hand on the side of the bandage face*Bandage all over your face!".... Let's just say and idiot decided to press some certain buttons that released a certain someone out of there prison if you can put it like that.

He then grabbed a mug that looked like it has seen better days before drinking some coffee in it.

Narrator: But let's put that behind us has we know go back into our famous Yu-Gi-Oh story that you people really did enjoy the first chapter that my Boss made, and we'll also see on what you guys decided on what to do on this chapter after he put out a decision for how you wanted to proceed so let me just get the results and...

When he found the results of what they decided he was surprised by the amount of people wanting option A rather than Option B.

Narrator:(Surprised) Wow I didn't expect this many people to choose option A, Uh I guess you guys really want to see the Y/n go up against The Sledgehammer earlier than we thought. So, without a further a Do (Clears throat) Let the SHOW BEGIN!!

Narrator POV

On the Last Chapter of The Sealed Beast Unleashed we see the protagonist coming back to Miami City after going across the world and going to other places that we don't know just yet in which he was accompanied by Amanda his music partner and his duel Spirit/Pet Jormungand met many people across his journey but wanted to come back to the city in order to surprise his friends that he came back home, although he didn't expect they would change drastically when they grew up especially when he saw how much Zuzu has grown in certain.... parts of her body and not to mention Jormungandr taking a liking to Yuya real quick and fast.

Anyway, when he came back, he realized that he was in the first episode of the ARC V series and tried to fix the Arc System in which he thought it was going to be easy.... only for him to see it and was in disbelief of how damaged it really looked liked when up closed and personal. When he told skip that it will take him a year to fix it if lucky, the man lost all hope and even somehow lost color all around his body and clothing until a man name Nico Smiley came into YouShow Duel school to invite Yuya to duel against The Sledgehammer As well giving her the opportunity to redeem her father's reputation. At first both Skip and Y/n wanted to deny the offering considering the fact that it could backfire and ruin her life, until Nico gave out information that if Skip would have accepted his proposition to let Yuya duel against The Sledgehammer he would have gotten a new Arc Reactor system for free. This was of course bait in which Y/n already knew he was goanna do that but Skip instantly took it in which resulted in him getting smacked in the head by Zuzu Fan and also getting smacked in the back by Jormungandr because of the loud noise he was producing but then they didn't realize that Yuya was already gone alongside with Jormungandr in which upset Amanda because of it but luckily Y/n knew where they were at so he got up and chased after them but not before looking at Nico and making a deal of his own that not only he would like but also Y/n in the process.

Meanwhile Yuya along with Jormungand was reminiscing on not just her memories but also on what her father told him to always believe in not just your deck but also in yourself whenever you fall behind while that was happening, she felt Jormungandr rubbing his head on her cheek in which she giggles and was glad that she brought him along before hearing someone calling for her revealing to be Y/n finding her on the bridge just like in the first episode on his world before being reincarnated. Yuya then heard the words of Y/n in which made her feelings grow a lot more for him in which the big man did not know about it and when she told him if he believes she can win he said that he knows she's goanna win it for sure in which resulted for her to smile even further before giving him a hug. Then when they were starting to go to the stadium for her to duel against the Sledgehammer, he told her that there was goanna be a surprise at the end in which confused her because she doesn't know that he was goanna Duel against him also but decided to think about it later since she was goanna duel against The Sledgehammer and redeem her father's name.

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