2. iced water

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     EVERYTHING was a complete blur. as i woke up i realized i wasn't even in my bed. so where was i?

    i looked around the dark room attempting to see if i knew this room at all. but nothing. i turned my head to see my phone charging on the nightstand.

     i unlocked my phone to see it was 2:25 pm. what time did i leave the club last night? as i stood up i noticed i wasn't even in my clothes.

    i was wearing a over sized mexico jersey and some random boxers. interesting outfit combo but i was comfortable at least.

     as i creeked the door open all i could see is a long hallway surrounded by plaques on the walls and doors that lead into different rooms.

    i carefully stepped out the room to read the different plaques. they were all futbol achievements.

     'presented to kevin nahin alvarez'

    my body froze as i read the name. what was i doing at kevin's house? i couldn't help but run back into the previous room i was in.

    i approached the mirror and turned around. i moved my hair out the way to visibly see his name on the jersey alongside with his number.

i barely met the guy last night. i grabbed my phone to see it being blown up by calls, messages, and social media notifications.

     i'll deal with that later. i took my phone and made my way out the room once again. as i walk down the hall i attempted to look for the stairs.

     but gosh this house is ginormous. once i found the stairs, i walked down the glass stairs.

     i could hear faint talking but i couldn't figure out what was happening. as i reached the last step a dog came running to me.

i squatted down to pet the fluffy dog. his tongue was out and his tail was wagging excitedly.

the dog started walking towards an open area of the house and i followed it. it lead me to a busy kevin álvarez in his kitchen on the phone.

"the transfer is going to be in june? why didn't i get a heads up earlier?- just keep this off social media and i'll figure everything out."

kevin was clearly stressing out because of his phone call. i was debating if i should walk away or wait for him to get off the phone.

i decided to go with the second option. but as i turned my back kevin turned his stool towards me. "y/n! espera!" he called out.

"guey me tengo que ir- bye." he said as he hung up the phone. "te duele la cabeza?" kevin laughed.

"pues si claro." i rubbed it as i sat on a stool next to kevin. kevin rubbed my back and stood up after.

he opened a cabinet door and took out a glass bowl. he then filled it up with cold water and dropped some ice cubes in it.

"para la cruda" he put the bowl in front of me. "what do i do? drink it?" i asked him in confusion.

"no! you put your face in it." he told me. i looked at him in a confused way but proceeded to do what he told me.

tattoo | k. alvarezHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin