Fantasy over Reality!

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First of all this is not an update.
Today i was randomly flipping through the pages of my diary. And i came through a page where I realised why i started falling for anuseena and started writing fiction.
The journey began then....and i dint even realised.
I cannot post a photo of the page because i have got a bad handwriting 🤣
But let me take you through my journey....

Date : 11.11.2020
#fantasy over Reality

Imaginary world has its own Power. It can be the reason of your survival at times. Especially then, when your reality sucks! And has nothing more than a bad family life, fights, quarrels, missunderstandings, dissatisfaction and depression. My fantasy has its own fun. It gives me  pleasure of leading a life i always wanted to. I live in a world of imagination where i am important! I have value. I am loved and i am pampered and being given complete attention. I want to be loved , i want to be understood and i want to be pampered. I want to be someones priority. I want to feel the comfort in someone's presence.
But sadly my reality is completely different. I dont even have a best friend yar. I am fat, ugly, lack of confidence, no value, no opinion, no priority. I might be my family's priority but they don't make me feel that....
Being important for someone and making you feel important are two different things and have huge impact on you...
And thats why , in my imaginary world, i am a princess! Bold , confident, independent, Beautiful. A person loved by everyone! Having a Best Friend, boyfriend, friends, loving family and everything....
# fantasy is always better when your reality is harsh....!

Ok this was the note and you guys might have noticed in my writings....
That why all the parts are mostly filled with love and warmth and cozy write ups. Many people call this cheesy....
But this is something very personal i have shared with you guys...cause in this span of almost 3 years of writing lovely readers have become a family to me ...

But What person i was in 2020 vs now is a huge difference.
I have understood self love is everything!
And becoming fearless is important.
Everything comes togather in sync when you are independent.
From completing my masters degree in 2020 to a job experience in well know bank to starting my own business...
It was a roller coaster ride...
Many of you might be going through similar issues where society and even family keeps taunting you for some reason...!
But ones you have that guts to face the world by expressing your PoV become unstoppable..
And remember! Self love! Self respect comes first!
I dont know but i just felt to post this !
Might delete later...
And sorry for keeping you guys wating for updates for so long...
Next part is coming super soon 😁❣️

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