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"Master Phayu, the Alpha that kidnapped your omega is here." Por said and then bowed his head beside the chair where Phayu was sitting. Phayu, who heard that, was silent as he clenched his fists under the table angrily and held back desperately to growl in anger. The boss alpha was already growling furiously and screaming loudly in his head. "I'm going to tear his body apart until there's nothing left." Boss said while growling angrily.

"Where is he?" Phayu said trying to control his body even while gritting his teeth and looking straight ahead with eyes as sharp as a wolf ready to pounce on its prey.

"Master Phayu, he is at the very end. It seems he is here representing Mr Phubeth." Por said whispering to Phayu with his head down.

Phayu strained his eyes ahead and looked for the person Por mentioned. Until his eyes found a young alpha who sat at the very end which should have been filled by Mr. Phubeth. The Alpha was looking down while flipping through the paper files in front of him. Phayu stared intently at him while emitting a very dense pheromone dominating the room.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier." Phayu said while looking intently at the alpha while clenching his fists until his veins were visible. Phayu turned him gaze towards Por while giving him a piercing glare.

Phayu and Por's conversation got the attention of several investors who were in the meeting room. They took a glance and again lowered their heads when they saw Phayu who was very angry with Por crouched beside him. Phayu gives off a very strong pheromone full of anger and a strong domineering scent. Some investors just kept quiet and looked down not daring to interrupt Phayu and Por's conversation.

"Forgive me Master Phayu. His personal data is hard to find as someone has deliberately covered it, and I only know about it from photos and I just saw it here representing Mr. Phubeth" Por said while looking down in fear, he felt shivers with Phayu gaze staring intently at him.

"What connection does that alpha have with Mr Phubeth?" Phayu said while turning him eyes towards the alpha curiously. Mr. Phubeth is one of the investors who has been working with the Phayu company for a long time.

"I will investigate for you Master Phayu." Por said quietly while keeping his head down. Phayu only snorted forward still following the alpha's movements.

"Sneakily drag him to headquarters after this meeting is over and contact the other bodyguards." Phayu said while adjusting his sitting position then gestured to start this meeting. Por just nodded then immediately sat down to attend the meeting and did not forget to contact the bodyguards as instructed by Phayu.


On the other hand, in a different place, more precisely on the bed, came a soft moan from Rain who was still asleep while hugging his pillow tightly. Rain curled up even more hugging the pillow with his body wrapped in a blanket while only the top of his head was visible.

Rain started to get distracted because of the light coming in through the window on the side of the bed he was occupying. He started to roll over to change his position to lie on his back with both arms outstretched, his left hand started to check the bed beside him and he frowned when he didn't find his alpha beside him.

Rain finally slowly started to open his eyes then narrowed his eyes to stare at the empty space next to him. He rubbed his sleepy eyes with clenched fists while his mouth yawned. Then his eyes turned towards the window showing that the sun was already very bright.

Rain slowly got up and sat up while brushing his hair gently, he glanced at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed which showed the time was noon, Rain groaned softly. Until the corner of his eye found a piece of paper with writing next to the clock on the nightstand. Rain started shifting towards near the nightstand so he could reach it.

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