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"Did it work?" Was the first thing he asked me once the call connected, completely skipping the pleasantries. He sounded a tad bit excited, like he genuinely hoped his gifts had made so much of a difference.

"Well, kinda. I need to say thank you to reach peak enjoyment."


"In person, of course." I added, switching the phone to my other ear while flipping sides on my bed. Finn had kept me occupied all of the previous evening that I hadn't been able to call earlier. I'd gone to bed replaying the conversation over and over in my head, and prepared myself for the trip to the Young island.

"That would be perfect. Would you prefer it over lunch or dinner?"

I pursed my lips and stared out of the window. I wasn't feeling like putting a lot of effort to go out, though I wouldn't mind the variation from my daily apartment-campus-clinic route.

"Do you have work today?"


"How about I come see you there?"

"If it's what you want, okay. I'll text you the address."

"Sounds good."

I drove down to Dominic architectural firm located in 5th Avenue. He told me he'd make an appointment and all I had to do was ask for him at the front desk. The receptionist directed me and I rode the elevator up to his office.

I stopped at his door, read the title holder Senior Designer, and knocked gently before I pulled the door open.

He smiled from his seated position, got up to a stand, and approached me. It took a while to get used to how bright it was in his office. My eyes fell on the large white sheets of paper on his table and quickly returned to him just in time to receive the hug I was engulfed in.

"You've got an eye for good things. Either that, or you know someone who's got an eye for good things," I said when he let go of me.

"Which case do you think it is?" He asked with a wide grin.

"Hmm, I don't know. The first, maybe. You might have gotten these same bags for a woman before and her reaction was encouraging enough that you just decided that they were your go-tos."

His light brown eyes brightened with laughter. He was so easy to get along with. It was hard to see him in the light of the person I'd painted with everything Natalie told me. I only got to see a cynical side of him when Finn was in the room. But now, I couldn't imagine he could hold a grudge over someone. He looked too carefree for that, but I knew better than to misunderstand him.

"God, how did you come up with that? I bet your brain is such a weird place." He walked back to his desk and took his seat.


"Weird as in beautiful weird. The type whose experience I'd never get tired of." His hand gestured to the seat opposite him. "Come on, sit."

I did as he instructed. "But really, thank you for the gifts."

"It's nothing. And like I said, if they don't do the trick, just let me know. Your wish is my command."

I pursed my lips. "I'll keep that in mind. This is a nice office," I said, taking in the decor of the room. Picture frames of buildings hung on the walls. Some were pictures of real buildings while others, sketches of black on white. I nudged my head in their direction. "Are those your projects?"

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