25 | moonlight

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I felt a mix of conflicting emotions while on the island. The comforting familiarity of the villa I'd grown up viewing as a little escape struggled to triumph against the growing bittersweet feeling that weighed my chest down. I loved being back here, but at the same time, the circumstances made me feel moody and lethargic.

And although I hated to admit it, Genevieve knew what she was doing inviting Amanda, because it made a world of difference. She changed the trajectory of my thoughts and feelings for the better, and I decided that I wanted her in the same room all through our stay here, but I could only hope.

Then I thought about how Genevieve being right meant that she knew how I felt about Amanda, and how much peace she brought me when I was warring within myself. Did that mean she had an expected outcome? Did she think there was a chance of reconnecting? Knowing my aunt, the answers were clear.

Secretly, I wondered what Melody thought of Amanda. What she really thought. She seemed neutral and welcoming on the outside, but I found it hard to take it as the case. Just as she'd watched me grow up, she'd watched Elizabeth too, and even closer. Elizabeth wasn't fond of her all that much, but she was under Melody's care regardless. I was sure my change of mind about the engagement had come as a shock to her.

She probably suspected Amanda was the reason behind my change of mind. I never had people with me if they weren't working for me, but here she was, a friend accompanying me for a crucial occasion.

"You know your way around the island, Finn. So I hope you won't mind doing the hosting for your company," Melody said as she prepared to leave.

"I certainly don't."

"You're a darling. Make sure to call me if you need me."

"I will. Thank you, Melody."

She nodded and left. I dropped into a chair, exhaled loudly and turned to my side at Parker. His blue eyes regarded me expectantly.

"Well, what do you think of the island?" I asked him.

"Nothing short of my expectations. I've got to know, though," he said and pointed at a row of picture frames hung on the wall. "Is that you in the stripped onesie?"

I knew the picture he was talking about in an instant. I was very familiar with every picture on the wall, and the memories within them. From my peripheral, I saw Amanda perk up and turn to the pictures. Suddenly, she burst out into laughter once she recognized the blond haired boy dressed in the most hideous onesie and stood beside a Christmas tree, baring a wide, gap toothed grin with heavy sleep laden eyes. I had stayed up the previous night, so when Nicholas called everyone on Christmas morning for pictures, I looked like death- to put it lightly.

Elizabeth was next to me, between River and I, while Nicholas stood behind her, both hands on her shoulders. Octavia had spent the holidays away, apparently to look after her dying family member. Even at the age of six, I saw through her. Octavia hardly cared for people. Barely, really. I was sure she just didn't want to spend Christmas on the island. She must have been relieved to be without us boys for the holidays.

"Yep, that's me," I said as the room filled with more laughter and quiet chuckles.

"You look sleepy as hell," Amanda stated upon closer inspection.

"I was."

"How come every one else looks just fine?"

"I was up the previous night playing games on the Nintendo."

Still Falling | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora