Chapter 06 - My name is...

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The symposium room of Wildenburg was filled with grim expressions. Inside the room Duke Faring took the main seat and Emelia sat next to him. Some of the local lords were sitting around and so was Eklavis but his eyes were stuck to the man sitting next to Faring. It was Glendain, the man who commanded Duke Faring army. Eklavis looked up to him as a child. Glendain's achievements made Eklavis join the army. He always admired him and dreamed of getting a chance to meet him. Now that he was right in front of him, Eklavis couldn't help but stare at him. But Eklavis didn't realize, that he himself was the subject of attention, many of the lords were looking at him. The looks he was getting were curious ones or disdain ones while some were completely unconcerned about him. As all the Lords were conversing among themselves, whisper could be felt.

"Lords of the Elradon, and the commanders of different regiments, I think by now all of you know why we are here. I don't know how the word got out but a dragon has made home on the northern route." The moment he spoke these words whispers appeared and turned to clamour.

Duke Faring lightly hit the table in front of him and the sound, instantly, amplified across the room. It was magic. Eklvais looked around and saw the hooded man standing next to Faring. It was Dltiam, Faring's court mage.

"I know, all of are wondering if this is all true or not. But I assure you, it is the truth. Right now a dragon has made its home near the watchfort at the northern route. That path leads to Osingun and we must deal with it."

"My Lord, wouldn't it be better to wait out till dragon's departure?"

"It would be, however..." he took out a scroll from his hand, "... this came from the capital earlier. According to it, Draavesians are planning an assault from Ronbergun with an army numbering over a hundred thousand soldiers. It is still unclear what their purpose is but, if they get a foot hold in Osingun, we might as well surrender them the whole country. We need to send our forces to Osingun at the earliest moment possible."

"But what are we supposed to do about the dragon?"

"True under normal circumstances, we might be doomed. But right now we are surrounded by strongest beings our kingdom has to offer. As you can see Princess Emelia and General Glendain is here. Together these two can bring down mountains but that's not all..." he pointed his finger at Eklavis, who looked behind himself, only to realize that the figure was pointed at him, "... Commander Eklavis of Fifth Elvsdian Regiment. He is the man who has driven Draavesians away from our borders, not once but twice. He fought them with just a platoon of soldiers, managed to figure out where their supply lines are and cut them off."

Eklavis was flabbergasted. The duke had called him commander of a regiment that had yet to be born. He was more surprised that Duke Faring knew his name. Every nobles face turned to Eklavis, but this time there was no disdain, only respect or curiosity. Now Eklavis had become a hot prospect for the nobles surrounding him.

But Faring was not done yet, "With these three together, we don't stand a chance at losing any battle. Men, we have faced many threats before and this dragon as well, is one of the many."

All the lords were instantly drawn to Duke Faring like a flame to moth. His speech was revolutionary. He was a leader and behaved like one.

But one man was still not convinced, "But, Lord Faring, the question stands, what are we supposed to do about the dragon?"

It was same man who had raised this question earlier. He was a baron, a minor lord who ruled over Havbach. He was more interested in solutions than speeches, a realist.

Emelia intruded, "We are coming up with a plan but we will act at the first light of dawn. If the dragon leaves before that, then we simply march to Osingun, or deal with the dragon at dawn. Then we rest our soldiers, and hopefully later, we leave before dusk. After dusk it might be too late. That is why please sleep early, but be prepared to wake at any time or an hour before dawn. That's when we explain what to do with the dragon."

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